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  • Our broad-based team are experts in designing and running standard- and higher-tier terrestrial ecotoxicology studies

  • A comprehensive range of facilities including constant environment rooms dedicated to different species, and outdoor covered areas and glasshouses for plants

  • A full research apiary providing expanded capabilities for honeybee studies

Crop protection products can impact the terrestrial environment in complex ways, making assessment of the terrestrial ecotoxicity challenging. In part, this is due to the diversity of terrestrial organisms, which include plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, and because they live both in and on the soil. To conduct effective terrestrial ecotoxicology studies you therefore need to understand the wider connectivity of ecosystem so you can put the effect of any single crop protection product into context. Labcorp can advise you on terrestrial ecotoxicology study design and conduct some or all the studies you need to meet regulatory endpoints and requirements across the globe.

Terrestrial ecotoxicology endpoints are a requirement of most worldwide crop protection product regulators

Regulators across the world require terrestrial ecotoxicology endpoints that prove the potential hazard posed by your crop protection product. They demand robust and reliable data on the impact of your crop protection product on plants, soil-based microorganisms and invertebrates (such as earthworms), as well as non-target arthropods, particularly pollinators such as honeybees. You need to generate and compile a dossier of evidence, conducted to international standards and suited for submission to each specific regulator. 

Your ideal partner to generate high-quality terrestrial ecotoxicology data for your crop protection product

We can leverage expertise from a wide team of ecotoxicology scientists and build a dedicated team focused on delivering a solution that works for you and your crop protection product. You will be supported by study directors, ecotoxicology experts, apidologists and analytical chemists, working collaboratively to design and execute your terrestrial ecotoxicology studies. All studies are performed to recognized international standards and aligned to your specific regulatory requirements.

A full suite of terrestrial ecotoxicology assessments to meet your crop protection product needs

Labcorp has extensive experience performing terrestrial ecotoxicology studies accordingly to international test guidelines. As well as standard laboratory studies, our broad-experience can be used to design non-standard, tailored and higher tier studies, including semi-field/field studies, to meet specific regulatory needs.

 Our standard ecotoxicology studies for crop protection products includes:


  • OECD 213: Honeybee (Apis mellifera), Acute Oral Toxicity Test
  • OECD 214: Honeybee (Apis mellifera), Acute Contact Toxicity Test
  • OECD 237: Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Larval Toxicity Test, Single Exposure
  • OECD 245: Honeybee (Apis mellifera), Chronic Oral Toxicity Test (10-Day Feeding) 
  • OECD 246: Bumblebee, Acute Contact Toxicity Test
  • OECD 247: Bumblebee, Acute Oral Toxicity Test


  • OECD 207: Earthworm, Acute Toxicity Tests
  • OECD 222: Earthworm Reproduction Test (Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei)
  • OECD 220: Enchytraeid reproduction test

Beneficial insects - laboratory and extended laboratory tests

  • IOBC: Parasitic wasp (Aphidius rhopalosiphi)
  • IOBC: Predatory mite (Typhlodromus pyri)
  • OECD 232: Spring tail / collembola (Folsomia candida)
  • IOBC: Lace wing (Chrysoperla carnea)
  • IOBC: Ladybird (Coccinella septempuntata)
  • IOBC: Carabid beetle (Poecilus cupreus)
  • IOBC: Rove Beetle (Aleochara bilineata)
  • IOBC: Egg parasitoid (Trichogramma cacoeciae)
  • BBA: Wolf spider (Pardosa sp)
  • IOBC: Predatory bug (Orius laevigatus)
  • OECD 226: Soil mites (Hypoaspis)

Soil microflora

  • OECD 216: Soil micro-organisms: Nitrogen Transformation Test
  • OECD 217: Soil micro-organisms: Carbon Transformation Test

Non-target plants

  • OECD 208: Terrestrial Plant Test: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test
  • OECD 227: Terrestrial Plant Test: Vegetative Vigour Test


  • OECD 223: Avian Acute Oral Toxicity
  • OECD 205/OCSPP 850.2200: Dietary Toxicity Test
  • OPPTS 885.4050: Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines – Avian Oral, Tier I
  • OPPTS 885,4100: Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines – Avian Inhalation Test, Tier I

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