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Classification, Labeling and Safety Data Sheets

  • Classification and labeling guidance from regulatory experts around the world

  • History of successfully supporting clients with classification and labelling of a range of crop protection products

All crop protection products including conventional chemicals and biopesticides require proper classification and labeling. This ensures end-users understand the potential hazard presented by the product if the accompanying label instructions are not followed on how to handle, use, store and dispose of the products in a safe manner. 

The UN Globally Harmonised System (GHS) of chemical hazard classification and labeling applies to crop protection products. Most countries have adopted this approach and transferred it into local legislation. This localization can lead to geographic variation in classification and labeling obligations. 

In the EU, the relevant regulation is Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation No. 1272/2008 (CLP). In the USA, classification and labeling falls under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Getting classification and labeling of your crop protection product right

Regulatory processes around the world can be described as “risk based” or “hazard based”. For those that are hazard based such as the EU or Brazil the consequences of hazard classification can at worst mean no approval or banning of an existing active substance if the identified hazard falls into certain categories. Thus it is important that data generated by specific physical chemistry, toxicology and ecotoxiciology testing is of the highest quality and interpreted by scientists who have a thorough knowledge of the GHS and CLP requirements and can present the arguments to support the hazard classification of your substance or argue against an adverse classification being proposed by a regulatory authority. 

Working in all jurisdictions worldwide 

With relevant insight and a pragmatic approach, our regulatory scientists will steer you through classification labeling requirements, no matter where you are in the world. Labcorp has a proven track record of supporting customers with classification labeling across a range of global jurisdictions including: 

  • EU/EEA: Classification, Labeling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation No. 1272/2008
  • U.S.: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Navigating classification and labeling of your crop protection products

Adapting to the evolving demands of global classification and labeling can be challenging, but we can help. Our regulatory consultancy services can help you:  

  • Create an evidence base for the classification and labeling of your crop protection product, from leveraging existing data to designing studies to fill data gaps
  • Develop compliant classification labeling documentation
  • Construct safety data sheets in line with requirements in target jurisdictions
  • Provide expert opinion for complex hazard assessments in toxicology
  • Conduct detailed assessment of endocrine disrupting potential and advise on an appropriate testing strategy if required
  • Submit to or notify relevant authorities

Let's start a conversation

Our scientific and regulatory consultants are standing by and ready to support your next crop protection innovation.