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Physical Chemistry Capabilities

Knowledge of a substance’s physicochemical properties is the foundation for successful development of a crop protection product. That means characterizing the physicochemical properties of both active ingredients and final formulations, including anything from basic product chemistry tests like melting point, density measurements and hazardous properties like flash point/flammability, to more complex technical parameters, such as water solubility, partition coefficient and batch analysis. Storage stability is another important factor for crop protection products, with data needed for accelerated and long-term stability on formulations.

Although physicochemical characterization seems straightforward, it can be challenging to perform for some difficult-to-handle substances. We have experience working with a full range of agrochemicals, biopesticides and biocides and routinely tests difficult-to-handle substances including those with low water solubility, high volatility, are non-chromophoric, multi-constituent or have a considerable number of impurities.

From a regulatory perspective, first-hand experimental data generated using appropriate methods operated within their validity range is essential. This requires scientific insight and experimental rigour to GLP standards. Combining flexible capacity with high-specification equipment ensures tests are conducted in a timely fashion to high levels of accuracy and reproducibility.

We have an extensive and highly experienced team who can support you, whatever your unique need.

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