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For hours, walk-ins and appointments.Antichitobioside carbohydrate antibodies (ACCA); antilaminaribioside carbohydrate antibodies (ALCA); antimannobioside carbohydrate antibodies (AMCA); anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA)
3 - 7 days
Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.
For more information, please view the literature below.
Bowel Disorders Evaluation Rule-out Cascade: Applying Exclusionary Criteria to Assist Diagnosis
1 mL
0.2 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Room temperature
Temperature | Period |
Room temperature | 14 days |
Refrigerated | 14 days |
Frozen | 14 days |
Freeze/thaw cycles | Stable x4 |
Hemolysis; lipemia; heat-treated specimen; gross bacterial contamination
Prognostic aid for use in the clinical management of patients who have been diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
The absence of antibody reactivity in this panel, although associated with increased incidence of a more benign course, does not preclude the future development of more complicated disease or need for surgery.1
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
The presence and increasing titer of these antibodies has been shown to correlate with a more complicated disease course (strictures or fistulas) or the need for surgery. The antibodies included in the panel are ASCA (anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies), ALCA (antilaminaribioside carbohydrate antibodies), ACCA (antichitobioside carbohydrate antibodies), and AMCA (antimannobioside carbohydrate antibodies).1-3 Numerous studies of CD have demonstrated an association between ileal disease and the presence of ASCA,1-7 ACCA,1 ALCA,1,3 and AMCA.3 Among these antibodies, the association with localization to the small intestine increased with the number of positive antibodies and with the concentration of individual antibodies.1-3,6,8 A more aggressive or complicated disease course in CD (as indicated by stricturing or perforation of the intestine or need of surgery), has also been associated with the presence of ASCA,1-3,5,7 ALCA,1-3 ACCA,1,2 and AMCA.1,2 Among these antibodies, the association with complicated disease behavior or surgery increased with the number and concentration of antibodies.1,2,6,8
Order Code | Order Code Name | Order Loinc | Result Code | Result Code Name | UofM | Result LOINC |
162020 | Crohn's IBDX Prognostic Panel | 53598-9 | 162021 | gASCA | units | 47321-5 |
162020 | Crohn's IBDX Prognostic Panel | 53598-9 | 162022 | ACCA | units | 53594-8 |
162020 | Crohn's IBDX Prognostic Panel | 53598-9 | 162023 | ALCA | units | 53596-3 |
162020 | Crohn's IBDX Prognostic Panel | 53598-9 | 162025 | AMCA | units | 53597-1 |
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The LOINC® codes are copyright © 1994-2021, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. Permission is granted in perpetuity, without payment of license fees or royalties, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC® codes for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, subject to the terms under the license agreement found at Additional information regarding LOINC® codes can be found at, including the LOINC Manual, which can be downloaded at