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Labcorp Global Trial Connect

Better site performance. Faster clinical trial completion. More time with patients. Discover the possibilities with Labcorp Global Trial Connect.

Clinical trials continue to increase in complexity

More than half (56%) of investigator sites report that clinical trials have grown in complexity over the last three yearsand that 10% higher trial complexity correlates with 35% longer duration.2

Causes of this complexity include: 

We’re dedicated to streamlining clinical trial operations for both sites and sponsors to help get urgently needed therapies to market faster

With services designed to simplify study startup and clinical trial execution, Global Trial Connect equips sites and sponsors with the tools needed to remove roadblocks, maintain study momentum and increase study throughput at every phase. The result? More patients enrolled, less time spent managing logistics and quicker availability of crucial safety and efficacy data.

Explore our capabilities

Site enablement resources

Whether you need help enrolling more patients, diversifying your study participant pool or executing virtual clinical trials, we can help you identify new study opportunities, enhance patient recruitment and address health inequity. 

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) support

  • Patient recruitment services

  • Patient access and hybrid clinical trial support

Labcorp branded of a patient shaking a provider's hand
Labcorp branded image of bins in a facility

Supply readiness support

Increase study startup efficiency, reduce trial delays and reduce kit wastage with kit inventory management services tailored to protocol operational needs.

Site workflow facilitation

Integrate sample collection and sample tracking to provide visibility and actionable data to both sites and sponsors. 

  • eRequisitions and sample tracking to provide visibility and minimize queries

  • Sample logistics coordination for on-time delivery of samples and results for timely patient management

Labcrop branded image of a call center employee

Study management and investigator support

Accelerate study startup and maintain study momentum with 24/7 protocol-specific site support and resources like eQuery resolution and our on-demand digital repository of tools and trainings.

  • Investigator sites' most preferred central laboratory 

  • Proprietary investigator site portal with centralized and easy access solutions familiar to 200,000+ investigator sites worldwide

On the horizon

Labcorp is dedicated to streamlining the operational aspects of clinical trials to help improve investigator site productivity and speed to market for urgently needed therapies.

Future releases will include the following enhancements:

Study preparation

Study readiness

Enhanced Labcorp Investigator Site Portal with expanded virtual training to accelerate study startup

TLE automation machine

Patient visits

Supply readiness

Customized, full-service kit inventory management to meet timelines and reduce kit wastage

Guided site workflows and investigator support

  • Guided patient visit workflows to enhance protocol compliance 
  • Real-time critical data capture, pre-populated fields and live error checks to reduce queries by 50%-70% 
  • Bi-directional eQuery to drive faster issue resolution directly with sites
  • Embedded virtual training for real-time support to maintain study momentum
Provider and patient sitting on a couch with pill bottles and a tablet on a table. The meeting is inside the patient's home


Sample workflow processing and shipping

  • Live, on-demand virtual sample processing instructions to improve sample throughput and viability
  • Fully integrated sample shipment preparation, scheduling and tracking for sponsor and site visibility 

End-to-end digital lab result management

Digitally integrated workflows for lab report generation, reviews and e-filing

Young woman standing in a hallway with a laptop in her hand


Partner with Labcorp

Discover the possibilities with Labcorp Global Trial Connect

As the world’s leading central laboratory with over 5,000 clinical studies and 1.6 million patients served in more than 100 countries,3 we can help sites and sponsors accelerate urgently needed therapies to patients who need them. Please contact us to learn more about how partnering with Labcorp can make a difference for investigator sites today.



  1. Bain & Company. How customer-first clinical trials cut complexity and delays. April 6, 2023. Accessed June 4, 2024.
  2. Boston Consulting Group
  3. Labcorp Central Laboratory Services, 5-year experience metrics 2018-2022