KIT (D816V) Digital PCR in Systemic Mastocytosis

CPT: 81273
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  • cKIT
  • KIT

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Specimen Requirements


Whole blood or bone marrow


3-5 mL whole blood or 1-2 mL bone marrow

Minimum Volume

3 mL whole blood or 1 mL bone marrow


Lavender-top (EDTA) tube, green-top (sodium heparin) tube, tan-top (K2-EDTA) tube or pink-top (K2-EDTA) tube


Ship specimen at room temperature. Specimen should arrive in the laboratory within 48 hours of collection. If specimen is to be stored prior to shipment, store at 2°C to 8°C. Indicate date and time of collection on the request form.

Storage Instructions

Refrigerate. Stable for 72 hours at room temperature or refrigerated.

Causes for Rejection

Specimen does not meet collection criteria; frozen whole blood, marrow, or cell pellet; leaking tube; clotted blood or marrow; grossly hemolyzed specimen or otherwise visibly degraded; contamination by another specimen; specimens containing suspicious foreign material

Test Details


Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is a hematopoietic neoplasm characterized by an abnormal growth of clonal mast cells in bone marrow and other extracutaneous organs. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as imatinib and avapritinib, have been evaluated to treat systemic mastocytosis.


This test will detect the KIT D816V mutation only. A negative result does not exclude the possibility that other mutations in KIT are present, or that the KIT D816V mutation is present below the test limit of detection. This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


Nanoplate Digital PCR (dPCR); total genomic DNA is extracted and amplified using a multiplex digital PCR using wild-type and mutant-specific probes.

The assay is designed to detect the KIT D816V (KITc.2447A>T) mutation. Results are reported as percent mutated alleles. The mutation can be detected down to 0.03% mutated alleles.

Additional Information

KIT is a receptor tyrosine kinase involved in proliferation of mast cells, melanocytes, germ cells, and hematopoietic stem cells. Activation of KIT occurs upon binding of the stem cell factor ligand, which triggers autophosphorylation and dimerization of KIT. Activated KIT signals downstream protein kinase pathways, which induces cell proliferation and survival. The vast majority (>90%) of SM cases have a somatic A to T missense mutation at position 2447 in exon 17 of the KIT gene. This KIT D816V mutation (c.2447 A>T, p.D816V) results in the substitution of aspartate (D) to valine (V) at codon 816 in the kinase activation loop domain of the protein causing a conformational change in the receptor. This conformational change results in ligand-independent constitutive activation of KIT and leads to increased cell proliferation and accumulation in various organs, and a reduction in cell death. The detection of KIT D816V is one of the minor diagnostic criteria for SM per the WHO system. KIT mutation detection is correlated with the proportion of lesional cells in the sample as well as the sensitivity of the detection method employed.

Quantitative detection using digital PCR of the KIT D816V mutation may aid physicians in diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of patients with SM. The reported values will allow clinicians to predict disease severity and/or monitor the effectiveness of treatment protocols and to detect increasing mutation levels that may be indicative of patient relapse. An effect of mutational dose on disease phenotype may also prove significant.


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Alvarez-Twose I, González P, Morgado JM, et al. Complete response after imatinib mesylate therapy in a patient with well-differentiated systemic mastocytosis. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Apr 20;30(12):e126-e129.22370312
DeAngelo DJ, Radia DH, George TI, et al. Safety and efficacy of avapritinib in advanced systemic mastocytosis: the phase 1 EXPLORER trial. Nat Med. 2021 Dec;27(12):2183-2191.34873347
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Gotlib J, Reiter A, Radia DH, et al. Efficacy and safety of avapritinib in advanced systemic mastocytosis: interim analysis of the phase 2 PATHFINDER trial. Nat Med. 2021 Dec;27(12):2192-2199.34873345
Greiner G, Gurbisz M, Ratzinger F, et al. Digital PCR: A Sensitive and Precise Method for KIT D816V Quantification in Mastocytosis. Clin Chem. 2018 Mar;64(3):547-555.29237714
Kristensen T, Vestergaard H, Møller MB. Improved detection of the kit d816v mutation in patients with systemic mastocytosis using a quantitative and highly sensitive real-time qpcr assay. J Mol Diagn. 2011 Mar;13(2):180-188.21354053
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Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 000000
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485127 CKIT Result 88519-4
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485129 CKIT Quant Value % N/A
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485130 Background 63419-6
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485131 Method/Extraction 49549-9
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485132 References 75608-0
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485135 Director Review 72486-4
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 485148 Specimen Type 66746-9
485126 KIT (D816V) Digital PCR 511958 PDF 80563-0

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