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VistaSeq® APC Comprehensive Analysis

CPT 81201; 81203
  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  • Familial Cancer testing
  • Hereditary Cancer testing
  • Inherited Cancer testing

Test Details


The coding region and flanking splice sites are analyzed by NGS (+/-10bp) and deletion/duplication analysis. Exon-level deletions/duplications are assessed by aCGH. Analysis is expanded to include promoter deletions for APC (1B and 1A). Clinically significant findings are confirmed by Sanger sequencing or qPCR. Results are reported using ACMG guidelines and nomenclature recommended by the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS).

Result Turnaround Time

20 - 28 days

Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

Related Documents


This assay is intended for patients with a history consistent with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis.

Genes included: APC

Special Instructions

A hereditary cancer clinical questionnaire should be submitted with all specimens. Contact CMBP genetic services at 800-345-4363 to coordinate testing. To order Oragene Dx 500 saliva collection kits using PeopleSoft No. 87917, contact your local Labcorp branch supply department.


Sequencing cannot detect variants in regions not covered by this analysis, including noncoding or deep intronic variants and may not reliably detect changes in repetitive elements, such as microsatellite repeats. Sequencing may not detect mosaic variants, inversions, or other genomic rearrangements such as transposable element insertions. Sequence analysis may also be affected by allele drop-out due to the presence of a rare variant under a primer site or homopolymeric regions. The method does not allow any conclusion as to whether two heterozygous variants are present on the same or on different chromosome copies.

Copy number analyses are designed to detect single exon, multi-exon, and full gene deletions or duplications. These analyses may not detect certain genomic rearrangements, such as translocations (balanced or unbalanced), inversions, or some partial exon rearrangements. This assay cannot determine exact breakpoints of deletions or duplications detected.

The presence of pseudogenes can interfere with the ability to detect variants in certain genes. For example, deletion/duplication analysis of PMS2 exons 11-15, among others, is complicated by the highly homologous PMS2CL pseudogene. Deletions/duplications in PMS2CL have not been associated with Lynch syndrome, however this assay may not be able to determine if a deletion/duplication affects PMS2 or PMS2CL.

Each gene sequence is interpreted independently of all other gene sequences; however, variants in different genes may interact to cause or modify a typically monogenic disease phenotype.

In addition, the presence of an inherited cancer syndrome due to a different genetic cause cannot be ruled out. Any interpretation given should be clinically correlated with available information about presentation and the patient's relevant family history.

This test is not intended to detect somatic variants. Bone marrow transplantation may affect the outcome of these results. Please contact Labcorp at 1-800-345-GENE to discuss testing options.

This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


Jasperson KW, Patel SG, Ahnen DJ. APC-Associated Polyposis Conditions. 1998 Dec 18 [Updated 2017 Feb 2]. In: Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2021. Accessed at
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Genetic/Familial High Risk Assessment: Colorectal guidelines. Accessed at

Specimen Requirements


Whole blood or saliva collected in an Oragene Dx collection kit


10 mL whole blood, 2.0 mL saliva

Minimum Volume

7 mL whole blood, 0.5 mL saliva


Lavender-top (EDTA) tube or yellow-top (ACD) tube or Oragene Dx 500 saliva collection kit

Collection Instructions

Blood is collected by routine phlebotomy. Saliva is collected by spitting into the provided container until it reaches the fill line.

Stability Requirements



Room temperature

60 days


60 days



Storage Instructions

Room temperature or refrigerated

Causes for Rejection

Frozen specimen; leaking tube; clotted specimen; grossly or hemolyzed specimen; quantity not sufficient for analysis; incorrect anticoagulant; saliva collection in an incorrect container. Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum 30 minutes prior to saliva sample collection. See Oragene Dx 500 saliva kit for detailed instructions.


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483485 Specimen Type 31208-2
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483486 Preauthorization N/A
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483487 Result Summary 94188-0
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483488 Result and Interpretation 56850-1
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483489 Recommendations 62385-0
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483490 Additional Information 55752-0
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483491 Methodology and Limitations 49549-9
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483492 References 75608-0
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483493 Director Review 72486-4
483484 VistaSeq APC Comprehensive 483494 IMAGE 51969-4
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483485
Result Code NameSpecimen Type
Result LOINC31208-2
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483486
Result Code NamePreauthorization
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483487
Result Code NameResult Summary
Result LOINC94188-0
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483488
Result Code NameResult and Interpretation
Result LOINC56850-1
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483489
Result Code NameRecommendations
Result LOINC62385-0
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483490
Result Code NameAdditional Information
Result LOINC55752-0
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483491
Result Code NameMethodology and Limitations
Result LOINC49549-9
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483492
Result Code NameReferences
Result LOINC75608-0
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483493
Result Code NameDirector Review
Result LOINC72486-4
Order Code483484
Order Code NameVistaSeq APC Comprehensive
Order Loinc
Result Code483494
Result Code NameIMAGE
Result LOINC51969-4