Preeclampsia Monitoring Profile With 24-Hour Urine

CPT: 82575; 83615; 84156; 84450; 84460; 84520; 84550; 85025
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  • Preeclampsia Monitoring Profile 2

Test Includes

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT); aspartate aminotransferase (AST); complete blood count with differential and platelets (CBC); creatinine clearance; lactic acid dehydrogenase (LD); quantitative 24-hour urine total protein; serum creatinine; serum urea nitrogen (BUN); serum uric acid (SUA)

Expected Turnaround Time

Within 1 day

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Specimen Requirements


Serum, whole blood, and urine (24-hour)


1 mL serum, lavender tube filled to capacity, and 10 mL aliquot of entire 24-hour urine collection.

Minimum Volume

0.5 mL serum, lavender tube filled to capacity, and 2 mL aliquot of entire 24-hour urine collection. (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)


Gel-barrier tube, lavender-top (EDTA) tube, and plastic urine container

Storage Instructions

Serum and whole blood: Maintain specimen at room temperature. Urine: Refrigerate. Whole blood: Stable for one day at room temperature; refrigerated for three days. Unstable frozen. Serum: Stable at room temperature and refrigerated for seven days. Stable for one day frozen; Freeze/thaw x1. Urine: Stable for seven days at room temperature; refrigerated for 14 days. Stable for 14 days frozen; Freeze/thaw x3.

Causes for Rejection

Serum: hemolysis; lipemia; improper labeling. Whole blood: specimen other than lavender-top (EDTA) tube; hemolysis; clotted specimen; specimen diluted or contaminated with IV fluid; tube not filled with minimum volume; transport tubes with whole blood; specimen received with plasma removed; improper labeling. 24-hour urine: bloody specimen; incomplete collection; specimen containing Pyridium®; improper labeling.

Test Details


Aid in management and monitoring of patients suspected or diagnosed with preeclampsia


Results of this profile should be used in conjunction with clinical findings and other diagnostic tests.


See individual tests.


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 000000
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 001040 BUN mg/dL 3094-0
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 001057 Uric Acid mg/dL 3084-1
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 001115 LDH IU/L 14804-9
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 001123 AST (SGOT) IU/L 1920-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 001370 Creatinine mg/dL 2160-0
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 001545 ALT (SGPT) IU/L 1742-6
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 005025 WBC x10E3/uL 6690-2
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 005033 RBC x10E6/uL 789-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 005041 Hemoglobin g/dL 718-7
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 005058 Hematocrit % 4544-3
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 013029 Creatinine Clearance mL/min 2164-2
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 013219 Prot,24hr calculated mg/24 hr 2889-4
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 013227 Creatinine, Ur 24hr mg/24 hr 2162-6
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 013664 Protein,Total,Urine mg/dL 2888-6
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 013672 Creatinine, Urine mg/dL 2161-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015065 MCV fL 787-2
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015073 MCH pg 785-6
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015081 MCHC g/dL 786-4
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015107 Neutrophils % 770-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015108 Immature Granulocytes % 71695-1
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015123 Lymphs % 736-9
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015131 Monocytes % 5905-5
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015149 Eos % 713-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015156 Basos % 706-2
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015172 Platelets x10E3/uL 777-3
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015180 Hematology Comments: 18314-5
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015909 Neutrophils (Absolute) x10E3/uL 751-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015911 Immature Grans (Abs) x10E3/uL 53115-2
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015917 Lymphs (Absolute) x10E3/uL 731-0
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015925 Monocytes(Absolute) x10E3/uL 742-7
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015933 Eos (Absolute) x10E3/uL 711-2
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015941 Baso (Absolute) x10E3/uL 704-7
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 015945 NRBC % 58413-6
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 100779 eGFR mL/min/1.73 98979-8
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 105007 RDW % 788-0
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 115398 Immature Cells N/A
360640 Preeclampsia Monitor w/24hr U 000000 URINE VOLUME (MILLILITERS)

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The LOINC® codes are copyright © 1994-2021, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. Permission is granted in perpetuity, without payment of license fees or royalties, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC® codes for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, subject to the terms under the license agreement found at Additional information regarding LOINC® codes can be found at, including the LOINC Manual, which can be downloaded at