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Influenza A and B, Direct Immunoassay

CPT 87804(x2)
  • Flu A and B

Test Details


Direct immunoassay (IA)

Result Turnaround Time

1 - 2 days

Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

Related Documents

For more information, please view the literature below.

Comprehensive Influenza Testing


Confirm the diagnosis of influenza type A or type B infection. This is a differentiated test and, therefore, will distinguish influenza type A from influenza type B.

Special Instructions

Submit one specimen per test requested. Specify the exact specimen source/origin (eg, nasopharynx). Indicate a specific test number on the request form. Check expiration date of transport; do not use expired devices.


Johnston SL, Bloy H. Evaluation of rapid enzyme immunoassay for detection of influenza A virus. J Clin Microbiol. 1993; 31(1):142-143. 8417019
Waner JL, Todd, SI, Shalaby H, et al. Comparison of Directigen FLU-A with viral isolation and direct immunofluorescence for the rapid detection and identification of influenza A virus. J Clin Microbiol. 1991; 29(3):479-482.2037665

Specimen Requirements


Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab in viral transport medium or NP wash or aspirate


2 to 3 mL NP wash, 0.5 mL NP aspirate dispersed in at least 2 to 3 mL transport medium or saline, or swab

Minimum Volume

2 mL NP wash, 0.5 mL NP aspirate dispersed in at least 2 to 3 mL transport medium or saline


Viral, Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma culture transport provided by LabCorp, or other appropriate transport medium; sterile leakproof container

Reference Range


Storage Instructions


Causes for Rejection

Bacterial swab specimen; specimen received in grossly leaking transport container; dry specimen; specimen submitted in fixative or additive; specimen received in expired transport media or incorrect transport device; inappropriate specimen transport conditions; specimen received after prolonged delay in transport (usually more than 72 hours); specimen stored or transported at room temperature; wooden shaft swab in transport device; unlabeled specimen or name discrepancy between specimen and request label


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
186064 Influenza A+B Ag, EIA 33535-6 186065 Influenza A Ag, EIA 46082-4
186064 Influenza A+B Ag, EIA 33535-6 186066 Influenza B Ag, EIA 46083-2
186064 Influenza A+B Ag, EIA 33535-6 186067 Comment 77202-0
Order Code186064
Order Code NameInfluenza A+B Ag, EIA
Order Loinc33535-6
Result Code186065
Result Code NameInfluenza A Ag, EIA
Result LOINC46082-4
Order Code186064
Order Code NameInfluenza A+B Ag, EIA
Order Loinc33535-6
Result Code186066
Result Code NameInfluenza B Ag, EIA
Result LOINC46083-2
Order Code186064
Order Code NameInfluenza A+B Ag, EIA
Order Loinc33535-6
Result Code186067
Result Code NameComment
Result LOINC77202-0
Reflex Table for Comment
Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC
Reflex 1 186068 Please note: 186068 Please note: N/A
Reflex 1
Order Code186068
Order NamePlease note:
Result Code186068
Result NamePlease note: