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Bacterial Vaginosis (Sialidase) and Vaginal Yeast Culture

CPT 87102; 87905
  • BV (Sialidase) and Vaginal Yeast (Culture)

Test Details


BV (sialidase) activity: chromogenic enzyme activity test; vaginal yeast culture: culture

Result Turnaround Time

4 - 5 days

Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

Related Documents

For more information, please view the literature below.

Microbiology Specimen Collection and Transport Guide


BV (sialidase) activity: Enzyme activity test for use in the detection of vaginal fluid specimens for sialidase activity, an enzyme produced by bacteria associated with bacterial vaginitis, including Bacteroides spp, Prevotella spp, and Mobiluncus spp, and some G vaginalis. In a recent study, Bradshaw et al demonstrated the test to be 88% sensitive and 95% specific. Vaginal yeast culture: Detect yeast in vaginal fluid.


BV (sialidase) activity: Collecting specimens from the cervix should be avoided because (a) it might increase the risk to OB patients, and (b) cervical sialidase activity is usually higher than vaginal sialidase activity. Do not collect specimens from patients who have (a) used a vaginal cream or ointment product, (b) douched, or (c) used spermicides, vaginal lubricants, or feminine sprays within 72 hours of testing. If insufficient sample is collected or collected from a patient undergoing antimicrobial therapy, the test may give a false-negative result.


Bradshaw CS, Morton AN, Garland SM, Horvath LB, Kuzevska I, Fairley CK. Evaluation of a point-of-care test, BVBlue, and clinical laboratory criteria for diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2005 Mar; 43(3):1304-1308. 15750100

Specimen Requirements


Vaginal fluid




Copan double swab in Amies liquid medium

Collection Instructions

Using transport swabs provided, collect vaginal fluid sample by contacting the lower one-third of the vaginal wall, rotating for 10 to 20 seconds to absorb fluid. Immediately place the swabs into the transport tubes.

Storage Instructions

Maintain specimen at room temperature for up to 48 hours.

Causes for Rejection

Specimen collected or transport other than previously described


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
182709 BV+Yeast Culture 180036 BV, Sialidase Activity 41477-1
182709 BV+Yeast Culture 182495 Vaginal Yeast Culture 18483-8
Order Code182709
Order Code NameBV+Yeast Culture
Order Loinc
Result Code180036
Result Code NameBV, Sialidase Activity
Result LOINC41477-1
Order Code182709
Order Code NameBV+Yeast Culture
Order Loinc
Result Code182495
Result Code NameVaginal Yeast Culture
Result LOINC18483-8