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Chlamydia/Gonococcus/Mycoplasma genitalium, NAA, Swab

CPT 87491; 87563; 87591

Test Details


Nucleic acid amplification (NAA)

Result Turnaround Time

3 - 4 days

Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

Related Documents

Test Includes

Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium


Detect Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium

Specimen Requirements


Endocervical, vaginal, or male urethral swab in Aptima® swab transport


One Aptima® swab (endocervical, vaginal, or male urethral)


Aptima® Multitest Swab Specimen Collection Kit or Aptima® Unisex Swab Specimen Collection Kit

Collection Instructions

Vaginal swab: Collect vaginal fluid sample using the Aptima® swab by contacting the swab to the lower third of the vaginal wall and rotating the swab for 10 to 30 seconds to absorb fluid. Immediately place the swab into the transport tube and carefully break the swab shaft against the side of the tube. Tightly screw on the cap.

Endocervical swab: Remove excess mucus from the cervical os and surrounding mucosa using the cleaning swab (white-shaft swab in the package with red printing). Discard this swab. Insert the specimen collection swab (blue-shaft swab in the package with green printing) into the endocervical canal. Gently rotate the swab clockwise for 10 to 30 seconds in the endocervical canal to ensure adequate sampling. Withdraw the swab carefully; avoid contact with the vaginal mucosa. Remove the cap from the swab specimen transport tube and immediately place the specimen collection swab into the transport tube. Carefully break the swab shaft at the scoreline; use care to avoid splashing of the contents. Recap the swab specimen transport tube tightly.

Male urethral swab: The patient should not have urinated for at least one hour prior to specimen collection. Insert the specimen collection swab (blue-shaft swab in the package with the green printing) 2 to 4 cm into the urethra. Gently rotate the swab clockwise for two to three seconds in the urethra to ensure adequate sampling. Withdraw the swab carefully. Remove the cap from the swab specimen transport tube and immediately place the specimen collection swab into the specimen transport tube. Carefully break the swab shaft at the scoreline; use care to avoid splashing of contents. Recap the swab specimen transport tube tightly.

Stability Requirements



Room temperature

30 days (stability provided by manufacturer or literature reference)


30 days (stability provided by manufacturer or literature reference)

Storage Instructions

Maintain specimen at room temperature or refrigerate (2°C to 30°C).

Causes for Rejection

Specimen with incorrect patient identification; unlabeled specimen; inappropriate specimen transport conditions, including specimens received frozen, specimens received after prolonged delay (usually >72 hours), specimen leaked in transit, specimen in expired transport or incorrect transport device; specimens with inappropriate source for test requested; specimen with fixative or additives; Aptima® urine transport; Aptima® swab transport >30 days from collection; Aptima® swab specimen without a swab; cleaning swab (white-shaft swab) in Aptima® swab transport; any non-Aptima® swab submitted in Aptima® transport device; transport device with multiple swabs; bloody or grossly mucoid specimens; bacterial swabs; specimen in ProbeTec™ UPT transport; ProbeTec™ Q-swabs


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
180082 Ct, Ng, M genitalium NAA, Swab 180077 Mycoplasma genitalium NAA 69935-5
180082 Ct, Ng, M genitalium NAA, Swab 180097 Chlamydia trachomatis, NAA 21613-5
180082 Ct, Ng, M genitalium NAA, Swab 180104 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NAA 32705-6
Order Code180082
Order Code NameCt, Ng, M genitalium NAA, Swab
Order Loinc
Result Code180077
Result Code NameMycoplasma genitalium NAA
Result LOINC69935-5
Order Code180082
Order Code NameCt, Ng, M genitalium NAA, Swab
Order Loinc
Result Code180097
Result Code NameChlamydia trachomatis, NAA
Result LOINC21613-5
Order Code180082
Order Code NameCt, Ng, M genitalium NAA, Swab
Order Loinc
Result Code180104
Result Code NameNeisseria gonorrhoeae, NAA
Result LOINC32705-6