Parentage/Relationship/Immigration Testing

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  • DNA Analysis for Parentage Evaluation
  • Exclusion of Parentage
  • Genetic testing for parentage Evaluation
  • Grandparent Studies
  • Immigration Testing
  • Parentage Studies
  • Paternity Testing
  • Relationship testing
  • Sibling determination
  • STR Analysis

Special Instructions

Appointments and paternity kits are required. Specimens must be collected with chain-of-custody paperwork. Clinical account numbers cannot be used. To receive a collection kit, blood or buccal swab, set up account numbers, or for an appointment, call 800-742-3944 or email [email protected]. Immigration testing can be ordered by calling Labcorp DNA Immigration customer service at 877-370-1129 or emailing [email protected]. Note that Labcorp is a laboratory accredited by AABB. For further information of DNA Immigration Testing or paternity and other relationship tests, visit

Expected Turnaround Time

2 - 14 days

Related Documents

Specimen Requirements


Buccal swabs or whole blood; other samples such as amniotic fluid, cultured cells and tissue specimens, blood spot cards, bone, or hair with roots may be used.


Four (4) buccal swabs or 4 mL whole blood

Minimum Volume

Two (2) buccal swabs or 2 mL whole blood


Buccal swab collection kit (four swabs) or lavender-top (EDTA) whole blood kit. Email [email protected] or call 800-742-3944 for kit.


Follow collection kit instructions.

Storage Instructions

Maintain specimen at room temperature and keep dry.

Causes for Rejection

Inadequate labeling; improperly filled-out client authorization/chain-of-custody form; insufficient amount of DNA on buccal swabs

Test Details


Determine the chance of paternity or nonpaternity in cases of disputed paternity, establish blood relationship of potential immigrant, sibling determination, grandparent/child testing, other relationships


Probability of parentage is provided for nonexcluded individuals, which is a probability, not a “yes” answer. Some tests may be inconclusive. Mutations, related alleged fathers, and other genetic limitations may affect the test.


DNA analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


Brooks MA. Paternity testing. In Harmening D, ed. Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa:FA Davis Co;1989:379-389.
Bryant NJ. Paternity testing: Current status and review. Transfus Med Rev. 1988 Mar;2(1):29-39.2908780
Guidelines for reporting estimates of probability of paternity. Council on Scientific Affairs. JAMA. 1985 Jun 14;253(22):3298.3999317


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176042 D2S1338 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176043 D19S433 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176530 D3S1358 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176531 D7S820 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176532 Amelogenin N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176533 vWA N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176534 FGA N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176535 D8S1179 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176536 D21S11 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176594 D18S51 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176595 D5S818 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176596 D13S317 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176597 D16S539 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176598 TH01 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176599 TPOX N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176600 CSF1PO N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176148 DXS6810 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176153 DYS392 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176171 DXS101 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176186 HPRTB N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176200 DXS9895 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176537 D22S1045 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176538 D2S441 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176539 D10S1248 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176540 D1S1656 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176541 D12S391 N/A
176160 Parentage/Relationship Testing 176542 D6S1043 N/A

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The LOINC® codes are copyright © 1994-2021, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. Permission is granted in perpetuity, without payment of license fees or royalties, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC® codes for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, subject to the terms under the license agreement found at Additional information regarding LOINC® codes can be found at, including the LOINC Manual, which can be downloaded at