Test Details
See individual test components.
Result Turnaround Time
Within 1 day
Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.
Test Includes
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (14); CBC With Differential/Platelet; C-Reactive Protein, Quantitative; Ferritin; TSH; Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct; Urinalysis, Routine; Vitamin B12; Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
This profile is used for basic diagnostic laboratory testing for evaluation of post-COVID conditions.
Special Instructions
This test may exhibit interference when sample is collected from a person who is consuming a supplement with a high dose of biotin (also termed as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R). It is recommended to ask all patients who may be indicated for this test about biotin supplementation. Patients should be cautioned to stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample.
Custom Additional Information
Before ordering laboratory testing for post-COVID conditions, the goals of testing should be clear to the healthcare professional and to the patient. Laboratory testing should be guided by the patient history, physical examination and clinical findings. A basic panel of laboratory tests might be considered for patients with ongoing symptoms (including testing for non-COVID conditions that may be contributing to illness) to assess for conditions that may respond to treatment, until more information and evidence is available for specific laboratory testing for post-COVID conditions.
Specimen Requirements
Serum, urine, whole blood
6 mL (serum); 3-9 mL (Vacutainer® red/yellow urine transport tube) (preferred) or 2 mL or greater (non-preserved urine); fill tube to capacity (whole blood)
Gel-barrier tube or red-top tube, Vacutainer® red/yellow urine transport tube (preferred) or urine bottle/urine transport tube (non-preserved), lavender-top (EDTA) tube
Collection Instructions
Serum: Separate serum from cells within two hours of collection.
Urine: A voided specimen is usually suitable. If the specimen is likely to be contaminated, a clean catch midstream specimen is desirable.
Whole blood: Invert tubes 8 to 10 times immediately after tube is filled at time of collection.
Storage Instructions
Maintain specimen at room temperature.
Order Code | Order Code Name | Order Loinc | Result Code | Result Code Name | UofM | Result LOINC |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001032 | Glucose | mg/dL | 2345-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001040 | BUN | mg/dL | 3094-0 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001370 | Creatinine | mg/dL | 2160-0 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 011577 | BUN/Creatinine Ratio | 3097-3 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001198 | Sodium | mmol/L | 2951-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001180 | Potassium | mmol/L | 2823-3 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001206 | Chloride | mmol/L | 2075-0 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001578 | Carbon Dioxide, Total | mmol/L | 2028-9 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001016 | Calcium | mg/dL | 17861-6 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001073 | Protein, Total | g/dL | 2885-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001081 | Albumin | g/dL | 1751-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 012039 | Globulin, Total | g/dL | 10834-0 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 012047 | A/G Ratio | 1759-0 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001099 | Bilirubin, Total | mg/dL | 1975-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001107 | Alkaline Phosphatase | IU/L | 6768-6 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001123 | AST (SGOT) | IU/L | 1920-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001545 | ALT (SGPT) | IU/L | 1742-6 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 004598 | Ferritin | ng/mL | 2276-4 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 001503 | Vitamin B12 | pg/mL | 2132-9 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 081953 | Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy | ng/mL | 62292-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 004264 | TSH | uIU/mL | 11580-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 019745 | T4,Free(Direct) | ng/dL | 3024-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 006627 | C-Reactive Protein, Quant | mg/L | 1988-5 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 005025 | WBC | x10E3/uL | 6690-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 005033 | RBC | x10E6/uL | 789-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 005041 | Hemoglobin | g/dL | 718-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 005058 | Hematocrit | % | 4544-3 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015065 | MCV | fL | 787-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015073 | MCH | pg | 785-6 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015081 | MCHC | g/dL | 786-4 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 105007 | RDW | % | 788-0 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015172 | Platelets | x10E3/uL | 777-3 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015107 | Neutrophils | % | 770-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015123 | Lymphs | % | 736-9 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015131 | Monocytes | % | 5905-5 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015149 | Eos | % | 713-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015156 | Basos | % | 706-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 115398 | Immature Cells | N/A | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015909 | Neutrophils (Absolute) | x10E3/uL | 751-8 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015917 | Lymphs (Absolute) | x10E3/uL | 731-0 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015925 | Monocytes(Absolute) | x10E3/uL | 742-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015933 | Eos (Absolute) | x10E3/uL | 711-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015941 | Baso (Absolute) | x10E3/uL | 704-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015108 | Immature Granulocytes | % | 71695-1 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015911 | Immature Grans (Abs) | x10E3/uL | 53115-2 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015945 | NRBC | % | 58413-6 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 015180 | Hematology Comments: | 18314-5 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013060 | Specific Gravity | 5811-5 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013078 | pH | 5803-2 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013045 | Urine-Color | 5778-6 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013052 | Appearance | 5767-9 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013185 | WBC Esterase | 5799-2 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013094 | Protein | 20454-5 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013086 | Glucose | 25428-4 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013110 | Ketones | 2514-8 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013102 | Occult Blood | 5794-3 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013104 | Bilirubin | 5770-3 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013105 | Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn | mg/dL | 20405-7 | |
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 013106 | Nitrite, Urine | 5802-4 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 012237 | Microscopic Examination | 12235-8 | ||
165065 | Long COVID Profile | 100779 | eGFR | mL/min/1.73 | 98979-8 | |
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001032 | |||||
Result Code Name | Glucose | |||||
UofM | mg/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 2345-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001040 | |||||
Result Code Name | BUN | |||||
UofM | mg/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 3094-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001370 | |||||
Result Code Name | Creatinine | |||||
UofM | mg/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 2160-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 011577 | |||||
Result Code Name | BUN/Creatinine Ratio | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 3097-3 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001198 | |||||
Result Code Name | Sodium | |||||
UofM | mmol/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 2951-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001180 | |||||
Result Code Name | Potassium | |||||
UofM | mmol/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 2823-3 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001206 | |||||
Result Code Name | Chloride | |||||
UofM | mmol/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 2075-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001578 | |||||
Result Code Name | Carbon Dioxide, Total | |||||
UofM | mmol/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 2028-9 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001016 | |||||
Result Code Name | Calcium | |||||
UofM | mg/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 17861-6 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001073 | |||||
Result Code Name | Protein, Total | |||||
UofM | g/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 2885-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001081 | |||||
Result Code Name | Albumin | |||||
UofM | g/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 1751-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 012039 | |||||
Result Code Name | Globulin, Total | |||||
UofM | g/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 10834-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 012047 | |||||
Result Code Name | A/G Ratio | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 1759-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001099 | |||||
Result Code Name | Bilirubin, Total | |||||
UofM | mg/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 1975-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001107 | |||||
Result Code Name | Alkaline Phosphatase | |||||
UofM | IU/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 6768-6 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001123 | |||||
Result Code Name | AST (SGOT) | |||||
UofM | IU/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 1920-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001545 | |||||
Result Code Name | ALT (SGPT) | |||||
UofM | IU/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 1742-6 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 004598 | |||||
Result Code Name | Ferritin | |||||
UofM | ng/mL | |||||
Result LOINC | 2276-4 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 001503 | |||||
Result Code Name | Vitamin B12 | |||||
UofM | pg/mL | |||||
Result LOINC | 2132-9 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 081953 | |||||
Result Code Name | Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy | |||||
UofM | ng/mL | |||||
Result LOINC | 62292-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 004264 | |||||
Result Code Name | TSH | |||||
UofM | uIU/mL | |||||
Result LOINC | 11580-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 019745 | |||||
Result Code Name | T4,Free(Direct) | |||||
UofM | ng/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 3024-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 006627 | |||||
Result Code Name | C-Reactive Protein, Quant | |||||
UofM | mg/L | |||||
Result LOINC | 1988-5 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 005025 | |||||
Result Code Name | WBC | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 6690-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 005033 | |||||
Result Code Name | RBC | |||||
UofM | x10E6/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 789-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 005041 | |||||
Result Code Name | Hemoglobin | |||||
UofM | g/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 718-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 005058 | |||||
Result Code Name | Hematocrit | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 4544-3 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015065 | |||||
Result Code Name | MCV | |||||
UofM | fL | |||||
Result LOINC | 787-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015073 | |||||
Result Code Name | MCH | |||||
UofM | pg | |||||
Result LOINC | 785-6 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015081 | |||||
Result Code Name | MCHC | |||||
UofM | g/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 786-4 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 105007 | |||||
Result Code Name | RDW | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 788-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015172 | |||||
Result Code Name | Platelets | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 777-3 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015107 | |||||
Result Code Name | Neutrophils | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 770-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015123 | |||||
Result Code Name | Lymphs | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 736-9 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015131 | |||||
Result Code Name | Monocytes | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 5905-5 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015149 | |||||
Result Code Name | Eos | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 713-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015156 | |||||
Result Code Name | Basos | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 706-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 115398 | |||||
Result Code Name | Immature Cells | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | N/A | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015909 | |||||
Result Code Name | Neutrophils (Absolute) | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 751-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015917 | |||||
Result Code Name | Lymphs (Absolute) | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 731-0 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015925 | |||||
Result Code Name | Monocytes(Absolute) | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 742-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015933 | |||||
Result Code Name | Eos (Absolute) | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 711-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015941 | |||||
Result Code Name | Baso (Absolute) | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 704-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015108 | |||||
Result Code Name | Immature Granulocytes | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 71695-1 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015911 | |||||
Result Code Name | Immature Grans (Abs) | |||||
UofM | x10E3/uL | |||||
Result LOINC | 53115-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015945 | |||||
Result Code Name | NRBC | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 58413-6 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 015180 | |||||
Result Code Name | Hematology Comments: | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 18314-5 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013060 | |||||
Result Code Name | Specific Gravity | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5811-5 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013078 | |||||
Result Code Name | pH | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5803-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013045 | |||||
Result Code Name | Urine-Color | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5778-6 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013052 | |||||
Result Code Name | Appearance | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5767-9 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013185 | |||||
Result Code Name | WBC Esterase | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5799-2 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013094 | |||||
Result Code Name | Protein | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 20454-5 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013086 | |||||
Result Code Name | Glucose | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 25428-4 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013110 | |||||
Result Code Name | Ketones | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 2514-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013102 | |||||
Result Code Name | Occult Blood | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5794-3 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013104 | |||||
Result Code Name | Bilirubin | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5770-3 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013105 | |||||
Result Code Name | Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn | |||||
UofM | mg/dL | |||||
Result LOINC | 20405-7 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 013106 | |||||
Result Code Name | Nitrite, Urine | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5802-4 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 012237 | |||||
Result Code Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 12235-8 | |||||
Order Code | 165065 | |||||
Order Code Name | Long COVID Profile | |||||
Order Loinc | ||||||
Result Code | 100779 | |||||
Result Code Name | eGFR | |||||
UofM | mL/min/1.73 | |||||
Result LOINC | 98979-8 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115400 | Bands | % | 35332-6 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115400 | |||||
Result Name | Bands | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 35332-6 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115401 | Metamyelocytes | % | 28541-1 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115401 | |||||
Result Name | Metamyelocytes | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 28541-1 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115403 | Myelocytes | % | 26498-6 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115403 | |||||
Result Name | Myelocytes | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 26498-6 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115404 | Promyelocytes | % | 26498-6 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115404 | |||||
Result Name | Promyelocytes | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 26498-6 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115405 | Blasts/blast like cells | % | 26498-6 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115405 | |||||
Result Name | Blasts/blast like cells | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 26498-6 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115406 | Megakaryocytes | % | 19252-6 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115406 | |||||
Result Name | Megakaryocytes | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 19252-6 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 115399 | Immature Cells | 115265 | Other, Lineage Uncertain | % | 55433-7 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 115399 | |||||
Order Name | Immature Cells | |||||
Result Code | 115265 | |||||
Result Name | Other, Lineage Uncertain | |||||
UofM | % | |||||
Result LOINC | 55433-7 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013128 | WBC | /hpf | 5821-4 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013128 | |||||
Result Name | WBC | |||||
UofM | /hpf | |||||
Result LOINC | 5821-4 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013136 | RBC | /hpf | 13945-1 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013136 | |||||
Result Name | RBC | |||||
UofM | /hpf | |||||
Result LOINC | 13945-1 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013149 | Epithelial Cells (renal) | /hpf | 26052-1 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013149 | |||||
Result Name | Epithelial Cells (renal) | |||||
UofM | /hpf | |||||
Result LOINC | 26052-1 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013145 | Casts | /lpf | 24124-0 |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013145 | |||||
Result Name | Casts | |||||
UofM | /lpf | |||||
Result LOINC | 24124-0 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013147 | Cast Type | 58436-7 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013147 | |||||
Result Name | Cast Type | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 58436-7 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013146 | Crystals | 5783-6 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013146 | |||||
Result Name | Crystals | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5783-6 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013152 | Crystal Type | 5782-8 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013152 | |||||
Result Name | Crystal Type | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5782-8 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 333351 | Mucus Threads | 8247-9 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 333351 | |||||
Result Name | Mucus Threads | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 8247-9 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 333344 | Bacteria | 5769-5 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 333344 | |||||
Result Name | Bacteria | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5769-5 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 333419 | Yeast | 5822-2 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 333419 | |||||
Result Name | Yeast | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5822-2 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 013151 | Trichomonas | 5813-1 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 013151 | |||||
Result Name | Trichomonas | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 5813-1 |
Order Code | Order Name | Result Code | Result Name | UofM | Result LOINC | |
Reflex 1 | 333328 | Microscopic Examination | 333420 | Comment | 11279-7 | |
Reflex 1 | ||||||
Order Code | 333328 | |||||
Order Name | Microscopic Examination | |||||
Result Code | 333420 | |||||
Result Name | Comment | |||||
UofM | ||||||
Result LOINC | 11279-7 |