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Kidney Profile Plus Metabolic Panel (14), Comprehensive

CPT 80053; 82043; 82570

Test Details


See individual tests.

Result Turnaround Time

Within 1 day

Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

Related Documents

Test Includes

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT); albumin:globulin (A:G) ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; eGFR calculation; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum; albumin, random urine; creatinine, urine; albumin:creatinine ratio, urine


This panel has been established to aid in the diagnosis and management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and assess metabolic issues and organ function frequently associated with CKD by checking the status of a patient's kidney, glucose level, electrolyte/acid base balance, proteins and liver.

Specimen Requirements


Serum (preferred) or plasma and urine (random)


2 mL serum or plasma and 10 mL urine

Minimum Volume

1 mL serum or plasma and 2 mL urine


Red-top tube, gel-barrier tube, green-top (heparin) tube, or lavender-top (EDTA) tube and plastic urine container

Collection Instructions

Separate serum or plasma from cells within 45 minutes of collection.

Stability Requirements



Room temperature

3 days


3 days


14 days

Freeze/thaw cycles

Stable x2

Storage Instructions

Maintain specimens at room temperature.

Causes for Rejection

Hemolysis; improper labeling


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001032 Glucose mg/dL 2345-7
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001040 BUN mg/dL 3094-0
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001370 Creatinine mg/dL 2160-0
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 100798 Comment: N/A
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 011577 BUN/Creatinine Ratio 3097-3
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001198 Sodium mmol/L 2951-2
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001180 Potassium mmol/L 2823-3
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001206 Chloride mmol/L 2075-0
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001578 Carbon Dioxide, Total mmol/L 2028-9
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001016 Calcium mg/dL 17861-6
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001073 Protein, Total g/dL 2885-2
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001081 Albumin g/dL 1751-7
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 012039 Globulin, Total g/dL 10834-0
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 012047 A/G Ratio 1759-0
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001099 Bilirubin, Total mg/dL 1975-2
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001107 Alkaline Phosphatase IU/L 6768-6
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001123 AST (SGOT) IU/L 1920-8
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 001545 ALT (SGPT) IU/L 1742-6
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 013672 Creatinine, Urine mg/dL 2161-8
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 140097 Albumin, Urine ug/mL 14957-5
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 140291 Alb/Creat Ratio mg/g creat 9318-7
140303 Kidney Profile+CMP14 24362-6 100779 eGFR mL/min/1.73 98979-8
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001032
Result Code NameGlucose
Result LOINC2345-7
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001040
Result Code NameBUN
Result LOINC3094-0
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001370
Result Code NameCreatinine
Result LOINC2160-0
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code100798
Result Code NameComment:
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code011577
Result Code NameBUN/Creatinine Ratio
Result LOINC3097-3
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001198
Result Code NameSodium
Result LOINC2951-2
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001180
Result Code NamePotassium
Result LOINC2823-3
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001206
Result Code NameChloride
Result LOINC2075-0
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001578
Result Code NameCarbon Dioxide, Total
Result LOINC2028-9
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001016
Result Code NameCalcium
Result LOINC17861-6
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001073
Result Code NameProtein, Total
Result LOINC2885-2
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001081
Result Code NameAlbumin
Result LOINC1751-7
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code012039
Result Code NameGlobulin, Total
Result LOINC10834-0
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code012047
Result Code NameA/G Ratio
Result LOINC1759-0
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001099
Result Code NameBilirubin, Total
Result LOINC1975-2
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001107
Result Code NameAlkaline Phosphatase
Result LOINC6768-6
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001123
Result Code NameAST (SGOT)
Result LOINC1920-8
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code001545
Result Code NameALT (SGPT)
Result LOINC1742-6
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code013672
Result Code NameCreatinine, Urine
Result LOINC2161-8
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code140097
Result Code NameAlbumin, Urine
Result LOINC14957-5
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code140291
Result Code NameAlb/Creat Ratio
UofMmg/g creat
Result LOINC9318-7
Order Code140303
Order Code NameKidney Profile+CMP14
Order Loinc24362-6
Result Code100779
Result Code NameeGFR
Result LOINC98979-8