Gestational Glucose Tolerance Diagnostic Test (Three-hour, ACOG Recommendations)

CPT: 82951; 82952
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  • Glucose Tolerance, Gestational Diabetes (Fasting, One-hour, Two-hour, and Three-hour)

Test Includes

100-g glucose load; plasma glucose measured fasting, and at one, two, and three hours

Special Instructions

The ADA 2011 standards1 vary from the ACOG recommendations.2 See Additional Information below.

Expected Turnaround Time

Within 1 day

Related Documents

Specimen Requirements


Serum or plasma


1 mL serum or plasma each tube

Minimum Volume

0.5 mL serum or plasma each tube


Gel-barrier tubes (4) or gray-top (sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate plasma) tubes (4)


Draw a fasting blood sugar before administering 100-gram glucose, and draw blood at one, two, and three hours. The subject should remain seated and not smoke throughout the test. Submit 1 mL serum or plasma for fasting, one-hour, two-hour, and three-hour specimens. Separate serum or plasma from cells within 45 minutes of venipuncture. Gray-top tubes only, may be submitted without centrifugation. Label each tube with patient's name and collection time interval (i.e., fasting, one-hour, two-hour, and three-hour).

Storage Instructions

Maintain specimen at room temperature.3

Stability Requirements



Room temperature

14 days


14 days


14 days

Freeze/thaw cycles

Stable x3

Patient Preparation

For three days prior to the test, patients should eat an unrestricted diet of 150 or more grams of carbohydrate and be permitted unrestricted physical activity. Patients should be instructed to eat and drink nothing except water for at least eight hours and not more than 14 hours before the test. Patients should also be advised to discontinue, whenever possible, all nonessential medication that can affect glucose metabolism at least three days before testing.

Causes for Rejection

Frozen gray-top tube (frozen plasma from gray-top is acceptable); stressed patient (surgery, infection, corticosteroids) should not have GTT; specimens not labeled with collection time intervals (i.e., fasting, one-hour, two-hour, and three-hour)

Test Details


Diagnose gestational diabetes




Patient with known history of diabetes mellitus

Reference Interval

See table.


Plasma or Serum Glucose Level

(Carpenter and Coustan Conversion)

Plasma Glucose Level

(National Diabetes Data Group Conversion)

*The diagnosis of GDM can be made based on the result of the 100-gram, three-hour oral glucose tolerance test, for which there is evidence that treatment improves outcome. Either the plasma or serum glucose level established by Carpenter and Coustan or the plasma level designated by the National Diabetes Data Group is appropriate to use. A positive diagnosis requires that two or more high thresholds be exceeded. The Carpenter and Coustan conversion is used to establish Labcorp reference intervals.


70−94 mg/dL

70−105 mg/dL


70−179 mg/dL

70−190 mg/dL


70−154 mg/dL

70−165 mg/dL


70−139 mg/dL

70−145 mg/dL

Additional Information

In 2013,2 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommended that all pregnant women be screened for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)—whether by patient history, clinical risk factors, or with a 50-gram, one-hour loading test at 24 to 28 weeks of gestation to determine blood glucose levels—and suggested relying on the result of the 100-gram, three-hour oral glucose tolerance test for diagnosis (often referred to as a "two-step" method).

The American Diabetes Association (ADA)1 released standards that vary from the ACOG recommendations. The ADA standards recommend a simplified "one-step" approach to the screen and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus with a 75-gram, two-hour glucose tolerance test. The Labcorp test according to the ADA recommendations is Gestational Glucose Tolerance Screening and Diagnostics Test (Two-hour, ADA Recommendations) [101000].


1. American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2015: Summary of revisions. Diabetes Care. 2015Jan; 38(Suppl 1):S4.25537706
2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Committee on Practice Bulletins—Obstetrics. Practice Bulletin No. 137: Gestational diabetes mellitus. Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Aug;122(2 Pt 1):406-416.23969827
3. Labcorp internal studies.


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 50586-7 000000
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 102012 Glucose - Fasting mg/dL 1558-6
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 102020 Glucose - 1 hour mg/dL 1501-6
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 102038 Glucose - 2 hour mg/dL 1514-9
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 102046 Glucose - 3 hour mg/dL 1530-5
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 102047 Note: N/A
102004 Gestational Glucose Tolerance 102049 Gest Glucose Tolerance (4) N/A

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