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Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Immunity Profile

CPT 86735; 86762; 86765
  • MMR Antibodies

Test Details


See individual tests.

Result Turnaround Time

1 - 2 days

Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

Related Documents

Test Includes

Measles IgG antibodies; Mumps IgG antibodies; Rubella IgG antibodies


This test is used to aid in the determination of serological status to measles, mumps, and rubella viruses. A positive result generally indicates exposure to virus or previous vaccination. A positive result is considered adequate laboratory evidence of immunity.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. CDC web site. Accessed June 2019.
Centers for DIsease Control and Prevention. Measles (Rubeola): For Healthcare Professionals. CDC web site. Accessed June 2019.
McLean HQ, Fiebelkorn AP, Temte JL, Wallace GS; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention of measles, rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, and mumps, 2013: summary recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep. 2013 Jun 14;62(RR-04):1-34.23760231

Custom Additional Information


Acceptable presumptive evidence of Measles Immunity (at least one of the following):

• Documentation of age-appropriate vaccination against measles virus.

• Laboratory evidence of immunity (IgG in serum; equivocal results should be considered negative).

• Laboratory confirmation of measles.

• Birth before 1957.

Persons who have measles-specific IgG antibody that is detectable by any commonly used serological assay are considered to have adequate laboratory evidence of measles immunity. Persons with an equivocal serologic test result do not have adequate presumptive evidence of immunity and should be considered susceptible unless they have other evidence of measles immunity.

Documented age-appropriate vaccination supersedes the results of subsequent serologic testing. If a person who has two documented doses of measles-containing vaccine is tested serologically and is determined to have negative or equivocal measles results, it is not recommended that the person receive an additional dose of vaccine. Such persons should be considered to have presumptive evidence of immunity.


Acceptable presumptive evidence of Mumps Immunity (at least one of the following):

• Documentation of age-appropriate vaccination against mumps virus.

• Laboratory evidence of immunity (IgG in serum; equivocal results should be considered negative).

• Laboratory confirmation of disease.

• Born before 1957.


Acceptable presumptive evidence of Rubella Immunity (at least one of the following):

• Documentation of 1-dose of live rubela virus-containing vaccine.

• Laboratory evidence of immunity (IgG in serum; equivocal results should be considered negative).

• Laboratory confirmation of disease.

• Born before 1957 (except women of childbearing age who could become pregnant).

Specimen Requirements




2 mL

Minimum Volume

1 mL


Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube

Reference Range

See individual tests.

Storage Instructions


Causes for Rejection

Grossly hemolyzed, lipemic and icteric samples; samples with visible particulate matter or gross bacterial contamination


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
058495 Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity 92929-9 006204 Rubella Antibodies, IgG index 5334-8
058495 Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity 92929-9 096564 Measles Antibodies, IgG AU/mL 5244-9
058495 Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity 92929-9 096554 Mumps Abs, IgG AU/mL 25418-5
Order Code058495
Order Code NameMeasles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity
Order Loinc92929-9
Result Code006204
Result Code NameRubella Antibodies, IgG
Result LOINC5334-8
Order Code058495
Order Code NameMeasles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity
Order Loinc92929-9
Result Code096564
Result Code NameMeasles Antibodies, IgG
Result LOINC5244-9
Order Code058495
Order Code NameMeasles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity
Order Loinc92929-9
Result Code096554
Result Code NameMumps Abs, IgG
Result LOINC25418-5