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Thyroglobulin Antibody and Thyroglobulin, IMA or RIA

CPT 86800

Test Details


Immunometric assay (IMA and radioimmunoassay (RIA); Anti-Tg: Beckman Coulter immunometric assay; Tg IMA: Beckman Coulter immunometric assay; Tg RIA: Lab-developed radioimmunoassay LabCorp uses a dual Tg test strategy in an effort to minimize the potential effect of TgAb interference on Tg analysis. All specimens are initially assayed for TgAb by the highly sensitive Beckman Coulter IMA. Samples with TgAb below the detectable limit are assayed for Tg by a sensitive second-generation IMA (Beckman Coulter) with a relatively rapid turnaround time. Specimens with any measurable levels of TgAb are assayed by an RIA method performed at Endocrine Sciences, Calabasas Hills, Calif. This RIA is resistant to interference by TgAb but has a longer turnaround time of five to seven days.

Result Turnaround Time

1 - 4 days

Related Documents


Thyroglobulin (Tg) measurement is intended to aid in monitoring for the presence of orthotropic and/or metastatic thyroid tissues in patients who have had thyroid gland ablation (using thyroid surgery with or without radioactivity). Measurement of thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) is used to identify patient samples that may be affected by TgAb interference in the measurement of Tg. Quantitative TgAb concentrations can also serve as a surrogate tumor marker for DTC recurrence and for monitoring changes in tumor mass in certain patients.

Special Instructions

This test may exhibit interference when sample is collected from a person who is consuming a supplement with a high dose of biotin (also termed as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R). It is recommended to ask all patients who may be indicated for this test about biotin supplementation. Patients should be cautioned to stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample.

Specimen Requirements

Test Includes

Thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) testing is performed on all samples. If TgAb is negative, serum thyroglobulin is measured by a sensitive IMA with a relatively rapid turnaround time, generally two to three days. If TgAb is positive, serum thyroglobulin is measured by an RIA method. This RIA is resistant to interference by TgAb but has a turnaround time of five to seven days.


Any changes in serum Tg concentrations should be interpreted in light of the total clinical presentation of the patient, including clinical history, data from additional testing and other appropriate information. Single measurement of thyroglobulin close to the limit of detection is of minimal value in assessing disease status. Serial determinations are required, and should be referenced to the postsurgical baseline Tg result when possible. Evaluation of increasing Tg levels over time are more clinically important.1

Serial thyroglobulin (Tg) and/or thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) testing on an individual patient should be performed by the same method for reliable interpretation.2-4 When a change in Tg method is necessary, it is recommended to reëstablish a new baseline Tg level to then interpret further change over time.

As with all two-site "sandwich" immunoassays, some of the analytical limitations of Tg IMA include hook effects, human mouse antibody (HAMA), and anti-Tg interference. The Access Thyroglobulin assay does not demonstrate any "hook" effect for concentrations up to 40,000 ng/mL. The Access Thyroglobulin Antibody does not demonstrate any "hook" effect up to approximately 50,000 IU/mL. For samples that are Tg antibody positive, Tg will be measured using an RIA method,which is less prone to Tg antibody interference.


Demers LM, Spencer CA, eds. Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines: Laboratory Support for the Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease. Washington, DC: National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry; 2002.
Djemli L, Van Vliet G, Belgoudi J, Lambert M, Delvin EE. Reference intervals for free thyroxine, total triiodothyronine, thyrotropin and thyroglobulin for Quebec newborns, children and teenagers. Clin Biochem. 2004 Apr; 37(4):328-30. 15003737
Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Ferrari A, et al. Serum thyroglobulin reference values according to NACB criteria In health subjects with normal thyroid ultrasound. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012 Jan 26; 50(5):891-893. 22628333

Custom Additional Information

Thyroglobulin (Tg) is synthesized exclusively by thyroid follicular cells as the precursor protein for thyroid hormone biosynthesis.1,4,5 The serum Tg reflects the integrated sum of Tg released into the blood stream and is related to three factors:

1. Release of Tg into the blood stream is proportion to the mass of thyroid tissue present (from both normal and any tumor present).

2. The effect of any thyroid injury caused by inflammation associated with thyroiditis; radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy; fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy; or surgery.

3. The degree of TSH-receptor stimulation from endogenous TSH, recombinant human TSH (rhTSH), human chorionic gonadotropin (during pregnancy) or antibodies that stimulate the TSH receptor (Graves' disease).

Measurement of serum Tg is used primarily in the postoperative management and long-term surveillance of patients with DTC. Serum Tg concentrations reflect the residual mass of thyroid tissue present (normal remnant and/or tumor) and the effect of the three factors listed above.1,4 Since Tg production is thyroid-specific but not tumor-specific, patient-related factors influence the interpretation of serum Tg concentrations. Postoperative serum Tg levels are related to the amount of residual normal and tumor tissue, recent thyroid injury, and the TSH status of the patient.

It should be noted that the thyroid tumors of some patients fail to secrete a detectable Tg concentration or may secrete abnormal Tg isoforms that are not detected by some assays used to measure Tg. Measurement of preoperative Tg levels can provide the clinician with insights regarding the tumor's Tg production and secretion and support the utility of postoperative Tg monitoring.

Thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) is detected in approximately 10% of the general population and in 20% of patients with DTC.4,6-8 Several studies have suggested that the quantitative TgAb concentrations can serve as a surrogate tumor marker for DTC recurrence and for monitoring changes in tumor mass in certain patients.9

Guidelines recommend that TgAb be measured in all specimens that are tested for Tg because TgAb positivity is associated with discordance in thyroglobulin values measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) compared to values produced by immunometric assays (IMA) for Tg.10 TgAb interference with Tg-IMA measurements is associated with underestimation of Tg and the potential for reporting inappropriately low or undetectable values that can disguise the presence of disease.5,10-12

Several lines of evidence suggest that the higher values of Tg assayed by RIA in the presence of TgAb may be more physiologically appropriate than the lower Tg values produced by ICMA methods. Patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and TgAb often have unexpectedly low or undetectable IMA-Tg levels with RIA-Tg values are high and decrease in response to therapy.4,13,14 Also TgAb-positive euthyroid individuals often have RIA-Tg within the range established for RIA-Tg in TgAb-negative euthyroid individuals. In contrast, IMAs produce low or undetectable Tg levels for many of the same individuals.10

Although RIA-Tg methods tend to be more resistant to TgAb interference than IMA-Tg methods, no immunoassay methodology for measurement of Tg is completely free from the potential for TgAb interference.15

Reference ranges established by testing normal, euthyroid subjects have little relevance when interpreting serum Tg concentrations in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients after thyroidectomy. Current guidelines recommend using a given assay's functional sensitivity (or LOQ) as the clinical threshold for distinguishing biochemically negative patients from those with residual Tg-producing tissue.5

• Beckman Coulter Tg IMA functional sensitivity (LQQ): 0.1 ng/mL

• Endocrine Sciences Radioimmunoassay for TgAb positive patients, functional sensitivity (RIA-Tg): 2.0 ng/mL

For the detection of interfering TgAb, the lower limit of detection (LOD) of the TgAb assay should be used. Even as low levels of TgAb, there may be interference with Tg-IMA assays.

• Beckman Coulter TgAb limit of detection (LOD): 0.9 IU/mL




3 mL (two tubes, 1.5 mL each tube)

Minimum Volume

2 mL (two tubes, 1 mL each tube) (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)


Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube

Storage Instructions

Room temperature

Collection Instructions

Separate serum from cells, and transfer specimen to a plastic transport tube.

Stability Requirements



Room temperature

14 days


14 days


14 days

Freeze/thaw cycles

Stable x3


1. Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR, et al. Revised Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid. 2009 Nov; 19(11):1-48. 19860577
2. Latrofa F, Ricci D, Montaneli L, et al. Thyroglobulin autoantibodies in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma: Comparison of different assays and evaluation of causes of discrepancies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov; 97(11):3974-3982. 22948755
3. Jensen E, Petersem PH, Blaabjerg O, Hegedüs L. Biological variation of thyroid autoantibodies and thyroglobulin. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2007; 45(8):1058-1064. 17902201
4. Spencer CA, Lopresti JS. Measuring thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin autoantibody in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Apr; 4(4):223-233. 18268520
5. Baloch Z, Carayon P, Conte-Devolx B, et al. Laboratory medicine practice guidelines: Laboratory support for the diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid disease. Thyroid. 2003 Jan; 13(1):3-126. 12625976
6. Spencer CA, Takeuchi M, Kazarosyan M, et al. Serum thyroglobulin autoantibodies: Prevalence, influence on serum thyroglobulin measurement and prognostic significance in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998; 83:1121-1127. 9543128
7. Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Flanders WD, et al. Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Feb; 87(2):489-499. 11836274
8. Gorges R, Maniecki M, Jentzem W, et al. Development and clinical impact of thyroglobulin antibodies in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma during the first 3 years After thyroidectomy. Eur J Endocrinol. 2005 Jul; 153(1):49-55. 15994745
9. Chiovato L, Latrofa F, Braverman LE, et al. Disappearance of humoral thyroid autoimmunity after complete removal of thyroid antigens. Ann Inter Med. 2003 Sept 2; 139(5 Pt 1):346-351. 12965943
10. Spencer CA, Bergoglio LM, Kazarossyan M , Fatemi S, LoPresti JS. Clinical impact of thyroglobulin (Tg) and Tg autoantibody method differences on the management of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Oct; 90(10):5566-5575. 15985472
11. Kastrup J, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Bartram HR, Witten J, Sand Hansen. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measurement of human serum thyroglobulin. Evaluation of the influence of thyroglobulin auto-antibodies. Scand J Clin Invest. 1985 Sep; 45(5):471-476. 4035283
12. Spencer CA, LoPresti JS, Fatemi S, Nicoloff JT. Detection of residual and recurrent differentiated thyroid carcinoma by carcinoma by serum thyroglobulin measurement. Thyroid. 1999 May; 9(5):435-441. 10365673
13. Mariotti S, Barbesino G, Caturegli P, et al. Assay of thyroglobulin in serum with thyroglobulin autoantibodies: An unobtainable goal? J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995 Feb; 80(2):468-472. 7852506
14. Uller RP, Van Herle AJ. Effect of therapy on serum thyroglobulin levels in patients with Graves' disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1978 May; 46(5):747-755. 95586
15. Spencer C, Petrovic I, Fetemi S. Current thyroglobulin autoantibody (TgAb) assays often fail to detect interfering TgAb that can result in the reporting of falsely low/undetectable serum Tg IMA values for patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 May; 96(5):1283-1291. 21325460


Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
042060 TgAb+Thyroglobulin,IMA or RIA 8098-6 006706 Thyroglobulin Antibody IU/mL 8098-6
Order Code042060
Order Code NameTgAb+Thyroglobulin,IMA or RIA
Order Loinc8098-6
Result Code006706
Result Code NameThyroglobulin Antibody
Result LOINC8098-6
Reflex Table for Thyroglobulin Antibody
Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC
Reflex 1 006705 Thyroglobulin by IMA 006703 Thyroglobulin by IMA ng/mL 3013-0
Reflex 1
Order Code006705
Order NameThyroglobulin by IMA
Result Code006703
Result NameThyroglobulin by IMA
Result LOINC3013-0
Reflex Table for Thyroglobulin Antibody
Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC
Reflex 1 503905 Thyroglobulin by RIA 503908 Thyroglobulin by RIA ng/mL 3013-0
Reflex 1
Order Code503905
Order NameThyroglobulin by RIA
Result Code503908
Result NameThyroglobulin by RIA
Result LOINC3013-0
Reflex Table for Thyroglobulin Antibody
Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC
Reflex 1 503905 Thyroglobulin by RIA 503930 Thyroglobulin by RIA N/A
Reflex 1
Order Code503905
Order NameThyroglobulin by RIA
Result Code503930
Result NameThyroglobulin by RIA
Reflex Table for Thyroglobulin Antibody
Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC
Reflex 1 503905 Thyroglobulin by RIA 503950 Thyroglobulin by RIA N/A
Reflex 1
Order Code503905
Order NameThyroglobulin by RIA
Result Code503950
Result NameThyroglobulin by RIA