Complement C3a

CPT: 86160
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  • acylation stimulation factor
  • Complement C3a des-Arginine

Special Instructions

Futhan preservative must be added to samples immediately after collection. Collection kits containing this preservative are available as Labcorp No. 78946.

Expected Turnaround Time

4 - 7 days

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Lupus Comprehensive Testing Brochure

Specimen Requirements


Plasma (EDTA) with Futhan, frozen


1 mL

Minimum Volume

0.5 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)


Lavender-top (EDTA) tube


Collect EDTA whole blood sample into a chilled lavender-top tube. Immediately add Futhan preservative as directed in the Futhan collection kit (Labcorp No. 78946). Recap lavender tube and invert several times to mix well. Centrifuge the whole blood specimen to separate the plasma. Transfer the plasma into the plastic screw-cap tube that is included in the collection kit. The specimen must be submitted in this transfer tube, which is labeled with the words "Futhan Added." Freeze immediately and maintain frozen until tested. To avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please submit separate frozen specimens for each test requested.

Storage Instructions


Stability Requirements



Room temperature

24 hours


6 hours


14 days

Freeze/thaw cycles

Stable x1

Patient Preparation

No radioactive isotopes administered within 48 hours prior to venipuncture.

Causes for Rejection

Any tube other than a tube labeled with the "Futhan Added" sticker will be rejected; nonfrozen specimen received; non-EDTA plasma sample received

Test Details


This test is used for the measurement of complement C3a and C3a-desArg levels in serum.


This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Results should not be used as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation of the diagnosis by another medically established diagnostic product or procedure.

Elevation of C3a levels is not predictive of any specific disease.

Normal human pregnancy is associated with evidence of complement activation, with an increase in concentrations of C3a.1

Complement activation split products are present only in trace amounts in normal plasma in vivo.2 It is crucial that samples be collected and stored properly in order to avoid in vitro activation.2 Blood must be drawn directly into tubes containing EDTA at a final concentration of at least 10 mM with the addition of nafamostat mesilate (Futhan, FUT-1750) to further reduce in vitro complement activation.3


Radioimmunoassay (RIA); this assay measures both C3a and C3a-desArg in an equimolar manner

Reference Interval

69.2–273.6 ng/mL

Additional Information

The complement system is an ancient and highly conserved effector mechanism of the innate immune system with important functions in immune defense.4-9 The main outcomes of complement system action are lytic killing of microbes, the rapid clearance of pathogens and dead or dying cells and immune complexes, and the release of pro-inflammatory anaphylatoxins. Activation and amplification of complement leads to destruction of pathogens or abnormal host cells through opsonization – a process by which complement ligands coat surfaces, targeting them for phagocytosis – or by lysis induced upon formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC), also referred to as the terminal complement complex (TCC). The ability to differentiate between self and non-self (or damaged/altered self) is a hallmark feature of the complement system. As a general paradigm, this is accomplished through complement recognition of components unique to microbial entities, often consisting of specific carbohydrate structures that are not found on host surfaces that are referred to as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).10,11 Similarly, activated complement proteins are also able to recognize abnormal glycosylation patterns on the surface of dead or dying host cells (termed damage-associated molecular patterns, or DAMPs) and immune complexes, activating complement mechanisms that lead to their clearance. Complement activation also works to link innate and adaptive immune reactions by mediating T cell and B cell responses. The complement pathway is tightly regulated to avoid uncontrolled activation.12,13

C3, the central component of the complement system, is present in the blood in concentrations of more than 1 mg/mL, which makes it one of the most represented proteins in circulation.14,15 Native C3 is biologically inactive, but its activation fragments have a multitude of biological functions. Complement activation can occur through three separate mechanisms: the classical pathway, the lectin pathway and the alternate pathway, each of which is activated by different molecules.16 In the first pathway to be discovered, the classical pathway, C3 is activated by antigen-antibody complexes that bind complement C1q.7-9 The lectin pathway is initiated by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), small molecular motifs, that are characteristic of microbial pathogens and are not present on mammalian tissues. These include mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and numerous other carbohydrate structures. The alternate pathway is continuously activated at a low level as a result of spontaneous C3 hydrolysis allowing for activation on surfaces that lack proper complement regulation, typically non-host surfaces.12,14,17

All complement activation pathways converge at the point of C3 cleavage, which results in generation of bioactive fragments including C3b and C3a.18 C3b is an efficient opsonin that marks foreign structures for phagocytosis; C3b also forms a membrane complex with other complement proteins to activate complement C5, yielding C5a and C5b. Like the C3a generated in the proximal portion of the cascade, C5a serves as an anaphylatoxin, a substance released into surrounding fluids and tissues to recruit/activate inflammatory cells. C5b triggers assembly of the membrane attack complex (MAC), also referred to as the terminal complement complex (TCC), a pore-forming structure made up of C5, C6, C7, C8 and multiple C9 molecules. The MAC forms a channel once inserted into the lipid bilayer, leading to lysis of cells or infecting organisms.

C3a is the only bioactive fluid phase fragment generated by C3 cleavage.14 C3a is referred to as anaphylatoxins because it causes smooth muscle contraction, vasodilation, histamine release from mast cells and enhanced vascular permeability.5-7,19,20 C3a is a potent chemoattractant that recruits several types of phagocytes to the site of inflammation and triggers the production of reactive oxygen species in macrophages, eosinophils and neutrophils. C3a exerts bactericidal activity by binding to their membranes and inducing cell lysis.21 C3a can act on neutrophils to prevent their mobilization from the bone marrow to the circulation after ischemia-reperfusion injury.22 C3a supports tissue regeneration after liver injury by stimulating cell proliferation, and it contributes to hematopoietic stem cell retention in the bone marrow, homing and engraftment.23-25 In the brain, the C3a has an important role in the recovery after the acute phase of ischemic injury, modulating neurogenesis and axonal and synaptic plasticity.26

Measurement of plasma C3a levels has been used in the assessment of the extent of complement activation in a variety of clinical conditions.27-29 Excessive complement activation can contribute to the pathogenesis of many acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. C3 has been implicated in several autoimmune19,30 and inflammatory diseases, including acute kidney inflammation,31 neurotrauma, anti-phospholipid thrombosis,32 asthma and allogeneic transplantation.19,33

In susceptible individuals, allergen exposure triggers the activation of complement, leading to the aberrant generation of the C3a anaphylatoxin.20,34-36 C3a has been shown to be important for the development of Th2 responses by driving ILC2-mediated inflammation in response to allergen.37 C3a binds to receptors on mast cells to trigger the release of histamine and chemokines.9,38 Nakano and coworkers found that plasma C3a concentrations were significantly higher in patients seeking emergency treatment for severe asthma exacerbations than in control subjects with stable asthma.39 They found that C3a concentrations were highest among patients who failed to improve with treatment with inhaled bronchodilators and intravenous corticosteroids.39 They also observed that levels of plasma C3a in admitted asthmatic patients decreased significantly within a week after admission.39

Clinical consequences of an overactivated and dysregulated complement system include not only immune complex and autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus,12,27,40 various forms of nephropathy, like atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome,27,41 and C3 glomerulopathy,27,42,43 ophthalmic disorders, like age-related macular degeneration,44 but also organ failure subsequent to ischemia reperfusion injury.45 Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is an acquired clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorder in which uncontrolled complement activity leads to systemic complications, principally through intravascular hemolysis and thrombosis.27,46 C3a have been reported to be significantly higher in rheumatoid arthritis subjects compared to control subjects.47 Plasma levels of complement C3a measured daily during the first week after onset of symptoms of acute pancreatitis represent highly specific and sensitive parameters for the prediction of severe acute pancreatitis.48,49

Preclinical studies into the mechanism of hepatic regeneration have demonstrated an essential role for C3a in priming the hepatocyte proliferative response after injury or resection.50 C3a has also been implicated in the regeneration of bone, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle, as well as stem cell engraftment.51-53

C3a has been used as a marker of neurodegenerative disease.54 C3a elevated in plasma one to 14 days after stroke and correlated with prognosis.55-57 C3a elevated in serum immediately after traumatic brain injury and remains chronically elevated.58 C3a levels have been shown to correlate with disease severity in patients with COVID-1959 and in patients with septic shock.60

In cancer, C3a can have pro-tumor effects impacting immune system activation at the tumor site and favoring tumor progression. C3a binding to its receptor maintains an immunosuppressive environment in sarcoma and promotes tumor progression by skewing the phenotype of tumor-associated macrophages61 while in lung cancer, C3a signaling acts on CD4+ T cells and induces an inhibitory phenotype.62 In pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, C3a activates the extracellular-regulated kinase pathway, inducing an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.63,64

In plasma, C3a is quickly converted by carboxypeptidase N into C3a-desArg by cleavage of the C-terminal arginine.65-67 C3a-desArg does not bind to the human C3a receptor.68 A number of studies have shown that there is a positive relationship between C3a-desArg levels, adipose tissue and risk factors for cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.69,70 C3a-desArg, also known as acylation stimulation factor, has been purported to play a role in transporting fatty acids to adipocytes and triacylglycerol synthesis.71 It has been suggested that production of C3a (and C5a) in adipose tissue triggers a cytokine and chemokine response in proportion to the amount of adipose tissue present and induces inflammation and mediate metabolic effects such as insulin resistance. These observations support the concept that complement activation may be an important participant in lipid metabolism and in obesity, contributing to the metabolic syndrome and to the low-grade inflammation associated with obesity.


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Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
004220 Complement C3a 4488-3 000000
004220 Complement C3a 004221 Complement C3a ng/mL 4488-3

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