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Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.
0.5 mL
0.3 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)
NMR lipoprofile serum-separator tube (No. 60360). Other tubes should not be used as they may produce erroneous results.
Allow the sample to stand for 60 to 120 minutes to release the ECP in the cells prior to centrifugation. Separate the serum after 60 to 120 minutes and transfer to a plastic transport tube.
Temperature | Period |
Room temperature | 5 days |
Refrigerated | 14 days |
Frozen | 14 days |
Freeze/thaw cycles | Stable x3 |
Nonserum sample received; non-Greiner tube collected; grossly hemolyzed or lipemic samples
Measurement of the level of Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP) in serum
This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
BD plastic serum-separator tubes should not be used as they will produce erroneous results.
ECP has limited utility as a diagnostic marker of asthma because changes in serum ECP level have been registered in other atopic diseases like allergic rhinitis, but also in conditions not related to the eosinophil inflammation, such as bacterial sinusitis.1 Also, ECP application is limited only to the allergic type of asthma.
4−54 μg/L
Eosinophils are effector cells that play a role in allergic and nonallergic inflammation and mediate host immune response to parasites, bacteria and viruses.1-3 The most prominent feature of these cells is large cytoplasmic granules, each containing four basic proteins, the most plentiful of which is eosinophil cationic protein (ECP).4 ECP is a protein with ribonuclease activity that is released during eosinophil activation. While the full physiologic role of ECP has not been completely defined, this protein has been attributed with cytotoxic, neurotoxic, fibrosis-promoting and immune-regulatory functions.2,4,5 Studies suggest that ECP may play a role in regulating mucosal and immune cells and may directly fight parasitic, bacterial and viral infections.4
ECP is often elevated in diseases in which an eosinophil-mediated tissue inflammation plays a role.2,4-8 Levels can be increased in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.9-13 Measuring ECP levels has been used to evaluate eosinophil-mediated allergic inflammation, asthma and rhinitis.2 Levels can be increased during both seasonal and perennial rhinitis and may reflect current allergen exposure.2,14 In atopic dermatitis, ECP has been shown to correlate with the symptoms and total clinical score.15
Eosinophilic inflammation is a relatively common feature of asthma.14,16-19 Although not diagnostic for asthma, elevated ECP levels are thought to reflect the degree of asthma-related bronchial eosinophilic inflammation.14,20 Increased ECP levels correspond to symptom onset and can precede bronchial hyper-reactivity.2,16 ECP has been used to assess asthma severity and support the management of anti-inflammatory therapy.5,20 It should be noted, however, that ECP is better correlated to symptom score than to lung function parameters, especially in children with mild and moderate asthma.14
ECP levels can be increased in a number of gastrointestinal disorders, including eosinophil intestinal diseases (esophagitis, gastroenteritis and colitis), gastrointestinal food allergy and intestinal parasitic infections.2 ECP levels can also be increased in non−IgE-mediated conditions, including nonallergic asthma with aspirin intolerance, respiratory infections, sinonasal polyposis and idiopathic hypereosinophilia (HES) syndrome.2,4 ECP has also been used as a disease activity marker in Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS), a condition that is also known as allergic granulomatosis or allergic angiitis.21 CSS is a disorder marked by blood vessel inflammation that can restrict blood flow to vital organs and tissues, sometimes permanently damaging them.2
Order Code | Order Code Name | Order Loinc | Result Code | Result Code Name | UofM | Result LOINC |
004180 | ECP | 25638-8 | 004181 | ECP | ug/L | 25638-8 |
© 2021 Laboratory Corporation of America® Holdings and Lexi-Comp Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The LOINC® codes are copyright © 1994-2021, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. Permission is granted in perpetuity, without payment of license fees or royalties, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC® codes for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, subject to the terms under the license agreement found at Additional information regarding LOINC® codes can be found at, including the LOINC Manual, which can be downloaded at