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Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.
Serum (preferred) or plasma
1 mL
0.7 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)
Red-top tube, gel-barrier tube, or green-top (lithium heparin) tube. Do not use oxalate, EDTA, or citrate plasma.
Separate serum or plasma from cells within 45 minutes of collection.
Maintain specimen at room temperature.1
Temperature | Period |
Room temperature | 14 days |
Refrigerated | 7 days |
Frozen | 14 days |
Freeze/thaw cycles | Stable x3 |
Plasma specimens collected in EDTA, oxalate, or citrated tubes; gross hemolysis; gross bacterial contamination; improper labeling
Elevated serum levels of LDH have been observed in a variety of disease states. The highest levels are seen in patients with megaloblastic anemia, disseminated carcinoma, and shock. Moderate increases occur in muscular disorders, renal diseases, and cirrhosis. Mild increases in LDH activity have been reported in cases of myocardial or pulmonary infarction, leukemia, hemolytic anemia, and nonviral hepatitis.2
Hemolysis elevates LDH results, oxalate inhibits LDH, and ascorbic acid can decrease LDH values.
Enzymatic, colorimetric, UV
See table.
Age | Male (IU/L)1 | Female (IU/L)1 |
0 to 7 d | 123−237 | 123−237 |
8 to 30 d | 126−331 | 130−275 |
1 to 11 m | 143−381 | 128−376 |
1 to 3 y | 195−361 | 192−352 |
4 to 6 y | 180−313 | 180−311 |
7 to 9 y | 166−291 | 166−290 |
10 to 12 y | 155−280 | 135−260 |
13 to 15 y | 126−244 | 118−215 |
16 to 17 y | 118−222 | 114−209 |
>17 y | 121−224 | 119−226 |
In infectious mononucleosis, LD is usually more elevated than AST, and there is usually an isomorphic pattern of LD isoenzymes. In viral hepatitis, by contrast, AST and ALT (the transaminases) are much more increased than is LD, about three or more times higher than total LD, and LD5 is high. The differential diagnosis of acute infarct of myocardium includes pericarditis and angina, entities in which enzymes are usually not substantially increased. Bovine or porcine heparin therapy can cause increases of AST, ALT, and LD, with elevated LD hepatic fractions.2
Order Code | Order Code Name | Order Loinc | Result Code | Result Code Name | UofM | Result LOINC |
001115 | LDH | 14804-9 | 001115 | LDH | IU/L | 14804-9 |
© 2021 Laboratory Corporation of America® Holdings and Lexi-Comp Inc. All Rights Reserved.
CPT Statement/Profile Statement
The LOINC® codes are copyright © 1994-2021, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. Permission is granted in perpetuity, without payment of license fees or royalties, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC® codes for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, subject to the terms under the license agreement found at Additional information regarding LOINC® codes can be found at, including the LOINC Manual, which can be downloaded at