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Osteocalcin, Serum

CPT 83937
  • Bone GLA Protein

Test Details


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Result Turnaround Time

2 - 4 days


This test is used to evaluate bone disease. Increased levels of osteocalcin are found in bone diseases characterized by increased bone turnover. Osteocalcin has been found to be elevated in Paget disease of the bone, cancer accompanied by bone metastases, primary hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy. Osteocalcin levels may serve as useful index in evaluating the therapeutic management of the patient.

Specimen Requirements


Bjarnason NH, Bjarnason K, Haarbo J, Rosenquist C, Christiansen C. Tibolone: prevention of bone loss in late postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996 Jul; 81(7):2419-2422. 8675554
Christian C, Tanko LB, Warming L, et al. Dose dependent effects on bone resorption and formation of intermittently administered intravenous ibandronate. Osteoporos Int. 2003; 14(7):609-613. 12830369
Junqueira PA, da Fonseca AM, Bagnoli VR, et al. Comparison of bone remodeling indicators in climacteric women. Int J Fertil Womens Med. 2002; 47(4):174-181. 12199414
Marcus R, Holloway L, Wells B, et al. The relationship of biochemical markers of bone turnover to bone density changes on postmenopausal women: Results from the postmenopausal estrogen/progestin interventions (PEPI) trial. J Bone Miner Res. 1999; 14(9):1583-1595. 10469288
McClung M, Clemmesen B, Daifotis A. Alendronate prevents postmenopausal bone loss in women without osteoporosis. A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Alendronate Osteoporosis Prevention Study Group. Ann Intern Med. 1998 Feb 15; 128(4):253-261. 9471927
Meunier PJ, Confaveux E, Tupinon I. Prevention of early postmenopausal bone loss with cyclical etidronate therapy (A double-blind, placebo-controlled study and 1-year follow-up). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997; 82(9):2784-2791; erratum: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997; 82(11):3740. 9284696
Ohishi T, Takahashi M, Kushida K, et al. Changes of biochemical markers during fracture healing. Arch Orthop Trama Surg. 1998; 118(3):126-130. 9932185
Ravn P, Clemmesen B, Christiansen C. Biochemical markers can predict the response in bone mass during alendronate treatment in early postmenopausal women. Alendronate Osteoporosis Prevention Study Group. Bone. 1999; 24(3):237-244. 10071916
Ravn P, Clemmesen B, Riis BJ, et al. The effects on bone mass and bone markers of different doses of ibandronate: A new bisphosphate for prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: A 1-year, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding study. Bone. 1996; 19(5):527-533. 8922653
Ravn P, Christensen JO, Baumann M. Changes in biochemical markers and bone mass after withdrawal of ibandronate treatment: Prediction of bone mass changes during treatment. Bone. 1998; 22(5):559-564. 9600792
Ravn P, Rix M, Andreassen H. High bone turnover is associated with low bone mass and spinal fracture in postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int. 1997; 6(30):255-260. 9069162
Rosenquist C, Qvist P, Bjarnason NH, et al. Measurement of a more stable region of osteocalcin in serum by ELISA with two monoclonal antibodies. Clin Chem. 1995; 41(10):1439-1445. 7586514
Takahashi M, Kushida K, Nagano A, et al. Comparison of the analytical and clinical performance characteristics of an N-MID versus an intact osteocalcin immunoradiometric assay. Clin Chim Acta. 2000; 294(1-2):67-76. 10727674
Tanko LB, Mouritzen U, Lehmann HJ, et al. Oral ibandronate: Changes in markers of bone turnover during adequately dosed continuous and weekly therapy and during different suboptimally dosed treatment regimens. Bone. 2003; 32(6):687-693.12810176

Custom Additional Information

Osteocalcin, or bone Gla protein (BGP), is the major noncollagenous protein of bone matrix. It has a molecular weight of approximately 5.8 kilodaltons and consists of 49 amino acids, including three residues of γ-carboxyglutamic acid. Osteocalcin is synthesized in bone by osteoblasts. After production, it is partly incorporated into the bone matrix and partly delivered to the circulatory system. The precise physiological function of osteocalcin is still unclear. A large number of studies have shown that the circulating level of osteocalcin reflects the rate of bone formation.

Determination of serum osteocalcin has proven to be valuable as an aid in identifying women at risk of developing osteoporosis, for monitoring bone metabolism during perimenopause and postmenopause, and during antiresorptive therapy.


Serum, frozen


0.8 mL

Minimum Volume

0.4 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)


Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube

Storage Instructions


Collection Instructions

Transfer the serum into a Labcorp PP transpak frozen purple tube with screw cap (Labcorp No. 49482). Freeze immediately and maintain frozen until tested. To avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please submit separate frozen specimens for each test requested.

Stability Requirements



Room temperature





-20°C = 30 days; -70°C = 90 days

Reference Range

See table.


Male (ng/mL)

Female (ng/mL)

0 to 5 y



6 to 8 y



9 to 10 y



11 to 12 y



13 to 14 y



15 to 17 y



18 to 30 y



31 to 40 y



41 to 50 y



51 to 60 y



61 to 70 y



>70 y




Order Code Order Code Name Order Loinc Result Code Result Code Name UofM Result LOINC
010249 Osteocalcin, Serum 2697-1 010250 Osteocalcin, Serum ng/mL 2697-1
Order Code010249
Order Code NameOsteocalcin, Serum
Order Loinc2697-1
Result Code010250
Result Code NameOsteocalcin, Serum
Result LOINC2697-1