<span>A Clinical Development Paradigm to Improve Patient Engagement</span>
April 9, 2020

A Clinical Development Paradigm to Improve Patient Engagement

This white paper discusses current challenges of traditional clinical trials, the emergence of eClinical applications and microservices that can enable virtual trials, barriers to adoption of innovative study delivery models and the role of contract research organizations (CROs) in partnering with biopharma to unlock the benefits of virtual trials and maxi
<span>Identification and Characterization of Nanomaterials</span>
May 8, 2020

Identification and Characterization of Nanomaterials

SETAC Europe 2020 -- Nanomaterials are an area of increasing scrutiny in a regulatory environment, with regulatory frameworks in development for multiple countries such as the EU, US and Canada. Recently, a specific revision of the REACH information requirements for nanomaterials has been adopted by the European Commission.