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MM.1S (pMMP-Luc-Neo): Human Plasma Cell Myeloma

MM.1S (pMMP-Luc-Neo): Human Plasma Cell Myeloma
MM.1S (pMMP-Luc-Neo): Human Plasma Cell Myeloma
StrainSCID Beige
Implant TypeCells
Implant LocationIV
Time to Staging14 days
Time to Evaluation Size (days)32.6 days
Td2.1 days

The above parameters are from one study. For further information on this cell line and other parameters, including different strains, vendors, implant type and location and/or standards of care, please contact us.



Tumor Line


Ref #


Spotlight on MM.1S: A model for multiple myeloma

Learn more about this cell line in our scientific spotlights:

Multiple myeloma is a clonal B cell malignancy characterized by the accumulation of terminally differentiated, antibody-producing plasma cells in the bone marrow. Genetic mutations within the myeloma cells and their interaction with various cytokines and growth factors contribute to the invasiveness of the disease and enhanced drug resistance. Patients are generally asymptomatic until very late state disease. Once disease is detected, localization in the bones, especially the spine, is common. Currently, the gold standard therapy is a combination of doxorubicin and dexamethasone with bortezomib. The addition of bortezomib improves the overall response rate close to 50%.1

Please note that cell lines are not for sale and are unavailable for purchase.

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