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C1498-Luc: Murine Leukemia
C1498-Luc: Murine Leukemia
Implant TypeCells
Implant LocationIV
Time to Staging10 days
Time to Evaluation Size (days)22.6 days
Td1.3 days

The above parameters are from one study. For further information on this cell line and other parameters, including different strains, vendors, implant type and location and/or standards of care, please contact us.


Leukemia [AML]

Tumor Line


Ref #


C1498-Luc: Murine Leukemia

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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common hematologic malignancy in adults with a 5-year survival rate of ~25% following diagnosis.[1] While two-thirds of AML patients treated with standard high dose chemotherapy achieve remission, 50% of patients relapse after remission. The majority of relapses occur within two to three years of initial treatment, and every patient carries the risk of relapse due to the molecular heterogeneity of the disease.[2] This has created an impetus to explore novel therapeutic approaches; in particular, immune-based therapies, since AML cells express both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) classes I and class II which makes them susceptible targets of innate and adaptive immune responses.

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