Labcorp now offers ddPCR technology to allow nucleic acid quantification with ultrasensitivity and high precision using Bio-Rad’s QX200 System. ddPCR enables absolute quantification of molecular targets that are undetectable with traditional techniques.
Gene expression profiling analysis is an important part of the drug development process. It is a powerful tool that can be used to uncover the complex molecular “signature” of a disease and provide information that can determine efficacy of new therapeutic agents.
Harnessing the power of NanoString and other PCR-based technologies, Labcorp can provide a variety of gene expression analysis services (DNA and RNA) to allow researchers to gain a molecular snapshot of the tumor microenvironment and to provide answers that can assist researchers with decisions during early-stage drug discovery by confirming the expected mechanism of action and target engagement of a therapeutic. These services may also be applied to cell culture studies for proof-of-concept research prior to advancing to in vivo models.
We use a StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System that can read four different colors in a 96-well plate and supports assays such as SNP genotyping, gene expression analysis, microRNA expression, translocation analysis, and gene detection. Our PCR specialists can help you to determine the expression of specific genes in cultured cells, fresh tissues, or frozen tissues. Whether you need to measure the expression of genes in different cell lines, strains of mice, tissues, or tumors, or monitor the expression of different genes with different treatments, our PCR specialists can help you design a study that’s right for you.
Gene expression profiling is the measurement of the activity (the expression) of thousands of genes at once to create a global picture of cellular function. The RNA is sequenced using next-generation sequencing, quantified, and aligned to thousands of known RNA sequences from specific genes. These profiles can, for example, distinguish between cells that are actively dividing, show how the cells react to a particular treatment, or determine which genes are differentially expressed in different cell lines, strains of mice, tissues, or tumors. Labcorp collaborates with a partner laboratory that specializes in sequencing the RNA. Once we obtain the sequencing information, we have the software to quantify, align, and analyze the data. We can compare the expression of single genes, sets of related genes, groups of pathway-specific or process-specific genes, and entire genomes between samples and display the comparative results in straightforward graphs and figures.
Access a customized offering to meet your gene expression requirements
At Labcorp, we combine state-of-the-art technologies with a customized service offering to meet your gene expression requirements. Our highly specialized team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing, optimizing, and validating gene expression readouts throughout the entire drug discovery process. We work closely with you to design a tailored workflow to generate a wealth of data to help you uncover the mechanism of action of your compound(s) and what signaling pathways and/or downstream genes are regulated in the context of tumor growth. We pride ourselves in having an extensive portfolio of animal/tumor models to ensure we can provide our clients with the “best fit” model for their project. Contact us today to discuss your study requirements and how our gene expression analysis services can add new insights into your research projects.