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StrainCB.17 SCID
Implant TypeCells
Implant LocationOT-renal capsule
Time to Staging7 days

The above parameters are from one study. For further information on this cell line and other parameters, including different strains, vendors, implant type and location and/or standards of care, please contact us.



Tumor Line


Ref #


Spotlight on 786-O-LUC-NEO

Learn more about this cell line in our scientific spotlights:

Kidney cancer generally occurs in older people, with an average age of diagnosis at 64 years old. Kidney cancer is among the ten most common types of cancer in the United States, with an overall lifetime risk of approximately 1.6 percent. The most common form of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), representing 90-95 percent of all cases. Unfortunately, patients are asymptomatic until advanced stage of the disease, leaving them with limited treatment options. Given the poor prognosis, which is an eight percent 5-year survival rate for patients with advanced (stage IV) disease, predictive preclinical models are needed for reliably evaluating treatment options. While subcutaneous xenograft models are valuable, they fail to capture the complexity of the cancer growing in the tissue of origin. Orthotopic models provide an avenue for not only evaluating the treatment response, but also the impact on the origin tissue and tissue microenvironment-which can be critically important in trying to preserve kidney function.

Please note that cell lines are not for sale and are unavailable for purchase.

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