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Pathologists provide a foundational role in exploring the causes and effects of a disease using samples of body tissues or fluids. In toxicologic pathology this foundational role extends to the assessment of the safety of a drug, compound, device or vaccine. The pathologist identifies, characterizes and manages risk versus benefit.

What's the difference between anatomic & clinical pathology?

Anatomic pathology

  • Analytic evaluations conducted on samples collected from humans and necropsied animals
  • Tissue examination
  • Nonclinical studies (GLP & non-GLP); only evaluation that will not be repeated in clinical studies
  • Single endpoint

Clinical pathology

  • Analytic evaluations conducted on samples collected from living humans and animals
  • Fluid examination 
  • Nonclinical or clinical study
  • Multiple collections possible during a study (depending on species)

Looking for pathology services for your clinical trials? 


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