Making an Impact
We believe access is essential.
The best answers for everyone start with better access for all. Healthier, thriving communities are the result of fostering health access for all populations, including those that are often underserved.
We believe science can deliver important answers.
Knowledge can change the course of healthcare for all and the course of care for individuals in need.
We believe innovation drives better outcomes.
By unlocking unprecedented data, tools and techniques, we’ve seen proof that each innovation leads to more answers and improved life for all of humanity.
We believe we have a responsibility.
We are committed to increasing the quality of care, improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs through better prevention, targeted therapies and precision medicine for all humankind.
- We believe access is essential.
- We believe science can deliver important answers.
- We believe innovation drives better outcomes.
- We believe we have a responsibility.
We’re Making an Impact By . . .
Supporting quality healthcare access for all communities
From local communities to global needs, we are committed to helping lower barriers to healthcare for millions of underserved populations.
Ensuring everyone we interact with feels secure, protected and valued
We strive to operate at the highest level of ethical integrity and corporate compliance. By embracing comprehensive data and privacy values, we can help patients and professionals ensure their data remains protected.
Building a sustainable model for the future
Protecting the environment and evolving our operations in sustainable ways is a key focus of our company’s culture. From local employee teams focused on going green to significant investments for hybrid and electric vehicles, we are constantly exploring ways to build a more sustainable business model.
We're committed to investing in healthier communities
Since its founding in 2020, the Labcorp Charitable Foundation has given out more than 341 grants to promote greater access to healthcare and education within local communities.
Corporate Responsibility Report
Explore how we're making an impact